Good practice: Mobile working at GMC²

Sina Orth talks about her everyday working life in the video

Texte mis à jour pour la dernière fois: 2024-02-19

Employee retention through mobile working

Bonn-based GMC² GmbH has been offering business intelligence and data analytics consulting for over 15 years and creates holistic solutions for advanced data management for its customers. GMC² employees have the opportunity to work remotely. In the video, employee Sina Orth explains how her day-to-day work works.

Video file

Mobile working is part of the normal working day at GMC² GmbH. Employee Sina Orth no longer wants to miss the flexibility that the mix of working in the office and working from home gives her. Since she has been working remotely, her everyday life has become more relaxed and her satisfaction as an employee has increased further.

Where can I find help and advice?

Healthy and humane work stands and falls with the actual work design on site. This is why the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) conducts research on a wide range of topics relating to the design of work. All information, research programs and publications can be found on the portal

The Employment Protection Act and the Working Hours Act also apply to mobile working, which you can read about under Laws on the Internet.

The IHK Aachen has summarized legal information on working from home.

Information on insurance cover for mobile working can be found on the BG ETEM platform.

The Ver.di website summarizes the most important questions and answers on mobile working and working from home for employees from the perspective of the trade union.

Brochures Download

You can find precise definitions of terms and detailed information on data protection in the brochure "Teleworking and mobile working" from the BfdDI.