Family-friendly municipality 2024

Family-oriented intergenerational projects, participation of children and parents in planning processes or a family-friendly town hall - many NRW municipalities are increasingly thinking about administration from the perspective of families. Challenges are seen as opportunities - also in the context of a diverse everyday family life and demographic change.

In 2024, six NRW municipalities were recognized by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia for their family-friendly commitment, and many more are impressing with new ideas and offers.

Information on on various topics

  • Gladbeck

    Family Municipality 2024: A young, diverse and family-friendly city

  • Hamm

    Family community 2024: focus on family friendliness

  • Brühl

    Family Municipality 2024: Committed to a child- and people-friendly city

  • Düren district

    Family Municipality 2024: An attractive living environment for families

The on youtube


The videos of the winning municipalities

The videos of our winning municipalities impressively show in a variety of very different ways what family-friendly, municipal offers are possible locally.