Family friendliness

Family-friendly HR policy as the key to corporate success

Text last updated: 2024-02-22

Why family friendliness pays off

More and more employers are focusing on a family-friendly corporate culture and supporting their employees in balancing family and career. This commitment prepares your company for the future and brings numerous benefits for employers and employees alike.


Whether due to family care responsibilities or the personal desire for more freedom: the compatibility of family and career is one of the greatest social challenges of our time and affects employees and companies alike.

Younger employees who are starting a family often strive to share childcare responsibilities as partners, while older employees often have to and want to look after relatives in need of care. The opportunity to flexibly organize their own work situation is a great relief in this regard.

For your company, in turn, well-trained, high-performing and flexible employees are a decisive factor for business success. Employee recruitment and long-term retention are important tasks of HR policy and are achieved by providing individual support to your employees in various phases of their lives.

Advantages of compatibility

The possibility of a good work-life balance ensures, among other things:

  • Satisfied and motivated employees
    Employees whose individual needs are supported by you in different phases of their lives are happier and more motivated. They feel valued. This leads to closer and more long-term loyalty to the company, reduces staff turnover and has a positive effect on the general working atmosphere.
  • Recruitment of specialists
    In view of demographic developments, it is important and right for you to retain qualified employees and recruit well-trained specialists. A family-conscious HR policy gives you a clear competitive advantage here, as many employees look for this component when choosing their employer.
  • Less absenteeism
    When employees succeed in balancing work and family life, this conserves their resources. They feel less stressed and are less likely to fall ill. A reduction in absenteeism also has a positive impact on your company's profitability.
  • Shorter parental leave
    A flexible work situation, for example through part-time models or home office options, makes it easier for mothers and fathers to return to work after parental leave. It also motivates them to return to work earlier. It is therefore advisable for you to enter into an open exchange with your employees at an early stage and work together to develop suitable return-to-work offers. If desired, employees on parental leave can also be kept up to date with news from the company during their absence.
  • A good image as an attractive employer
    Employees who appreciate a family-friendly HR policy are happy to recommend their employer to friends and acquaintances, as well as on official online rating portals. Family-friendly companies thus benefit from a good image and become a sought-after employer.
  • Cost savings
    Frequent absences, the loss of trained, qualified employees or high staff turnover cost companies resources and money. Family-friendly measures can be a real cost saver here, especially if they also reach fathers.

Where can we find help and advice?

Would you like to know how family-friendly your company already is? Then take the check for family-conscious corporate culture from the "Success Factor Family" network. It will help your company to find out how family-friendly you already are and what opportunities there are for optimization.

Family-friendly companies are clearly ahead when it comes to securing skilled workers. This is also confirmed by the new Family-Friendly Business Monitor 2023.

You can find out which employer benefits for a better work-life balance are tax-free on the federal government's family portal.