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Dealing with stalking

Appearances, consequences and tips for dealing with stalking


Dealing with stalking

Whoever is persistently harassed, pursued, harassed or terrorized several times in everyday life over a longer period of time is a victim of stalking. People of all ages are affected, including young people. The consequences for those affected are dire. What you can do if your child is affected by stalking, read here.

Umgang mit Stalking

What is stalking?

The English term "stalking" means "creeping up on someone" and originally described in hunter's language the stalking of game. Today, we understand it to mean following a person against their will. In the majority of cases, it is boys or men who engage in stalking out of offended vanity or revenge. This often happens in connection with an unrequited love or ended love relationship. Among other things, the exercise of power as well as an excessive need for recognition of the perpetrator are considered as motives.

How do I recognize stalking?

Stalking can have many manifestations. Typical characteristics are:

  • Unwanted phone calls - even at night
  • .
  • Threatening messages on answering machines, text messages, emails or letters
  • .
  • Spying on, stalking and monitoring the victim
  • .
  • Insults, insults and threats
  • .
  • Damaging reputation
  • Notices left on car, front door or window
  • .
  • Sent gifts as "tokens of love"
  • Property damage
  • Burglary in the home
  • Sometimes physical violence
  • .

The beginnings of stalking often appear quite harmless and are not immediately recognized as such. If the stalker or stalker remains unsuccessful, the persecution takes on more and more threatening forms over time.

What are the consequences of stalking?

The victims of stalking suffer from the permanent attacks, the longer they are pursued. This manifests itself in various symptoms. Those affected feel helpless, become increasingly anxious, can't sleep at night, are nervous, irritable and unfocused, or suffer from panic attacks. Perhaps they no longer dare to leave the apartment. Persistent psychosomatic complaints can even lead to depression.

How does stalking occur among youth?

In adolescence, stalking does not only occur in the form of stalking the (ex-)girlfriend or boyfriend. It can also be related to revenge and retaliation of an experienced rejection or perceived unfair treatment.

What can you do if your child is being stalked?

First and foremost, take your child and the threat seriously. Question worries and fears. Explain to your child that he or she does not have to feel guilty. The responsibility lies solely with the perpetrator. In any case, do not be afraid to seek professional help.

These countermeasures are recommended by the police:

  • Tell the stalker or the stalker unmistakably that he or she should immediately cease the behavior.
  • Do not respond to messages, mails, calls, etc.
  • Inform confidants, friends, neighbors, possibly teachers.
  • Collect evidence and document all threats.
  • Request a new phone number and email address. Block the offender or perpetrator on all channels.
  • Seek medical or therapeutic advice if you are experiencing health symptoms.
  • Involve the police and file a complaint.

Stalking is a criminal offense. Anyone who is followed, harassed, threatened or terrorized by a stalker or stalker can report this to any police station as a criminal offense. Often the harassment stops after a report is made.

More informationLinks for further reading

The police crime prevention of the states and the federal government provides detailed information online about rights and claims as well as help and support services in the case of stalking


On the NRW victim protection portal, stalking victims and relatives can find victim information and counseling services


In an emergency, you can reach the police, fire department, and ambulance service quickly and easily anywhere in Germany with the nora emergency call app.