
During puberty, your child undergoes major changes: The body changes shape, the personality continues to develop and the brain also undergoes a transformation. Read here on the Familienportal.NRW to find out what this is all about, how boys and girls change and where the chaos in their heads comes from.

The onset of sexual maturity brings with it a lot of questions and uncertainties - for your offspring and probably for you too. You can find out how you can discuss the topics of menstruation and contraception with your daughter or son in a relaxed manner and at eye level in the following articles.

Are you constantly annoyed by the mess in your son or daughter's room? Are you regularly stressed in the morning because the teenager in your house doesn't want to get up? Take a deep breath! You are not alone. Most parents with children of the same age are going through the same thing. You can find help for precisely these situations and tips for successful communication here.

Growing up is pretty exciting. And not always easy. False beauty ideals often put a lot of pressure on girls and boys. And stalking can also become a problem for teenagers. Here we explain how you can best support your child in these situations and who you can turn to for help.

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