Multi-child families

Parents of three or more children have a "round-the-clock, full-time job". A turbulent everyday family life with new surprises every day, high time demands and financial burdens is particularly challenging for multi-child families. The Familienportal.NRW informs you about helpful offers as well as support possibilities and gives numerous suggestions.

Information on different topics

  • The Burnout Trap

    Stress trap multi-child family: So you recognize the signs of a burnout and protect your health

  • The Burnout Trap

    Stress trap multi-child family: So you recognize the signs of a burnout and protect your health

  • The Burnout Trap

    Stress trap multi-child family: So you recognize the signs of a burnout and protect your health

  • The Burnout Trap

    Stress trap multi-child family: So you recognize the signs of a burnout and protect your health
