Baby courses

Support and parent meeting in the 1st year of life

Text last updated: 2024-06-04

Baby courses: Support and parent meeting in the 1st year of life

Baby courses in the 1st year of life promote the development of your child, deepen the parent-child relationship and enable you to have an informal exchange with other parents.


At a glance - from B for baby massage to P for Pikler course

Depending on the size of your home, you have a choice of different courses. However, too many courses can quickly lead to stress and sensory overload for babies. You should therefore carefully consider which offer suits you and your child's temperament best.

Get an initial overview of the various offers and their focus:

Our tip:

Check with your health insurance provider to see whether the costs for the desired baby course will be covered proportionately.

Parents have the choice

Thanks to the extensive selection of baby courses, you can find the best support for your baby on site, be inspired and meet parents whose children are the same age.

Courses are offered, for example, by family education centers in various sponsorships, by cities or municipalities, the DRK or the AWO. You can find suitable offers in your area on the Internet at Familienbildung NRW.

Many local authorities bundle free and affordable services and contact addresses relating to family life, parent-child courses, play and contact groups, health promotion and much more on a special search portal. You can find the link to the online service of your city or municipality via the list on our Familienportal.NRW.