Jugendliche im Wald
 Familie im Wald
Drachen steigen
Kürbis schnitzen
Kind im Laub
Mutter mit Kind
Kinder im Lastenrad
Basteln im Herbst

Welcome to the familienportal.nrw Families. Parents. Children.

Current Information on


How parents can deal with mental load

Have you ever heard of Mental Load? On International Mental Health Day, we are highlighting the many small, often invisible tasks in everyday family life. Read here to find out what ways out of the mental load trap there are.


Festival for financial education

On October 15, 2024, the festival for financial education "Mit Geld und Verstand" will take place in Berlin. Here, children, young people and adults can gain exciting insights into the world of finance. Follow the program from 10 a.m. in the livestream.

Eltern als Gesprächspartner

How to become a reliable conversation partner for your child

Starting a conversation with your own child is sometimes not that easy. To mark Nonviolent Communication Day, we're sharing some tips with you on how to build closeness and avoid communication difficulties by talking to your child in an approachable way.


Breastfeeding: Tips and support for mothers

During World Breastfeeding Week, we provide you with valuable tips and comprehensive information about breastfeeding. Find out more about the benefits of breastfeeding and where you can get help if things aren't going so well.

Übergewichtiges Kind kocht mit seiner Mutter eine gesunde Mahlzeit.

New frühstArt project supports children with obesity

frühstArt helps children between the ages of 3 and 6 from the North Rhine region who are struggling with being overweight or obese. With the support of coaches, a practical web application and rehab offers, families are scientifically supported for a year to promote healthy weight development in children.


Rights and obligations of grandparents

On the occasion of Older People's Day, we at Familienportal.NRW are shedding light on the role of grandparents in the family. They are often close caregivers for your child. Find out more about their rights and duties.


Support for dyslexia and dyscalculia

Does your child have a reading or spelling difficulty? On Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Day, we draw attention to learning difficulties in elementary school. Find out here how you can recognize signs and provide your child with the best possible support.

Die ersten Zähne

The first teeth are coming!

On today's Dental Health Day, we are giving you helpful tips on teething and your child's dental health. Read here how you can support their development as well as possible.


"We live diversity": State government honors family-friendly municipalities

The North Rhine-Westphalian state prize is awarded to six municipalities that have developed special ideas and concepts on how families can actively participate and live in a diverse and inclusive way. The "Family Community 2024" award ceremony will take place in December.

Granddaughter hugs grandmother

When grandparents develop dementia

Today's World Alzheimer's Day raises awareness of the challenges that dementia can bring. On the Familienportal.NRW, you can find out how to talk to your child about the disease and create understanding.


All children have rights!

Children's rights take center stage on World Children's Day. Read here to find out what rights children have and how you as parents can help to protect and promote them.

Erste Hilfe am Kind

First aid for children

Today, to mark World First Aid Day, we are focusing on first aid measures for children. Here you can find out how to react quickly and correctly in an emergency to save your child's life.


Improved BAföG benefits from the start of the school year and winter semester 2024/2025

More money, more flexibility, more beneficiaries and a new study start-up grant: the 29th BAföG Amendment Act brings numerous improvements for students and pupils. Find out more about the expanded funding options and who is now eligible for BAföG here.


How does an adoption work?

Couples looking to adopt are given comprehensive advice and support by specialists at the adoption agencies. The family portal will answer any questions you may have about the process.


New counseling service for those affected by long COVID and post-COVID

Even after the coronavirus pandemic, many people are still suffering from the consequences of an infection or from possible side effects of the coronavirus vaccination.
Thanks to a new, free hotline, those affected and their relatives can receive support and detailed advice on social law issues such as pensions, care and health insurance benefits.


Join in at school!

Everyday school life involves costs for parents and children - for example, expenses for school trips, learning materials and other school activities. Here are some tips on financial help.


Invitation to the online study on grandparenthood

RWTH Aachen University is looking for working people over the age of 50 who are currently expecting a grandchild or are already grandparents to ask: What are the opportunities in this phase of life? How can work and family life be combined? Click here for the online questionnaire:


Free webinars from the BKE parent counseling service

The BKE parent counseling service is offering two informative and interactive webinars in September. The topics this time: "Talking to children about mental health problems" and "Supporting children with stressful feelings". You can find more information about the webinars here.


Between lecture hall and changing table

How can you organize studying with a child? Balancing children and academic studies is sometimes no easy task. We provide helpful tips on organizing your studies, financing and childcare.


Children's pictures do not belong on the Internet

Whether on vacation, at the outdoor pool or at birthdays - photos of the whole family are precious memories. But sharing these pictures and videos on social media or messenger apps should be carefully considered. Content can quickly fall into the wrong hands. The police provide important tips on how to protect your child and handle children's photos on the internet responsibly.


Help hotline offers support for male victims of violence

The helpline is a first point of contact for boys and men who are or have been affected by violence. People close to them can also contact the men's helpline if they would like to help those affected. You can find detailed information about this confidential, free and, if desired, anonymous advice service here.

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