Cheese box

Who captures the most boxes in this strategy game?

Text last updated: 2024-06-05

Cheese boxes: a popular pastime for many occasions

Many parents may still remember this real classic game from their own school days. Cheese box can be played anytime and anywhere with little effort. That's why it's ideal fun for in-between times or as a travel game on the go. All you need are two different colored pencils and a sheet of paper. And a partner to play with.

This strategy game with few rules can be played by children aged 6 and up, but is also great fun for teenagers and adults.


The aim of the game

Cheese Boxes is an entertaining and strategic game for two players. The aim of the game is to win and mark as many boxes as possible on a playing field.

Material required:

  • A squared sheet of paper or the cheese box game template
  • Two pens in different colors. Each player has their own color to play with

Game instructions: How to play cheese boxes

First, a rectangular playing field (e.g. 8 x 12 boxes) is drawn on a squared sheet of paper or a playing field is selected on the cheese box game template.

  • Start by marking the side line of a box by tracing it with a pencil. The other players take it in turns to trace any side lines on the playing field. The aim is to completely enclose or fill in a box with your own color.
  • If a box is closed by marking the fourth line, the other player has conquered this box. He or she can mark the closed box for himself or herself and may draw another side line.
  • The conquered boxes are marked by the other players with different symbols, for example a cross and a circle, or both players choose their own color to color in.
  • The game continues until all the boxes have been conquered. Then the count is taken. Whoever has captured the most boxes at the end wins.
Tips and tricks:
  • Plan your moves wisely in advance to be able to close the largest possible number of boxes.
  • Try to give the other player few opportunities to close boxes themselves.
  • You can quickly create your own game sheet: Draw a grid of boxes (for example 8 x 12 boxes) on a squared sheet of paper.

Enjoy the challenge of improving your strategic thinking. Have fun playing.

Print out the cheesecake game template and get started!