Fun language game for children of primary school age
Word games for children promote language development through play. If you want to have fun, Papperlapapp is just the right game idea. Every game round is guaranteed to make you laugh! The word game expands the vocabulary and trains concentration, creativity, writing and reading.

Ziel des Spiels
Papperlapapp erweitert spielerisch den Sprachschatz und trainiert die Konzentration, die Kreativität, das Schreiben sowie das Lesen. Das Spiel eignet sich für Kinder ab 6 Jahren, die bereits schreiben und lesen können. Es kann mit zwei und mehr Personen gespielt werden.
Benötigtes Material:
- Spielblatt
- Stift
Papperlapapp is suitable for children aged 6 and over who can already read and write. It can be played with 2 or more people.
Material required:
- Play sheet
- Pen
How Papperlapapp works:
All players receive a play sheet. Now everyone starts writing at the same time.
- Everyone enters a name, a person or an animal in the Who column.
- The entire column is then folded back and the game sheet is passed to the next player on the right.
- Now everyone enters an activity under WHAT, e.g. driving, singing or similar.
- The column is folded back again and the game sheet is passed to the right.
- This continues until all the columns in the entire row have been filled in.
- At the end, the sheets are unfolded and the funny and crazy sentences are read out loud one after the other.