Tasse mit Marshmallows
Kind draußen im Schnee
Familie mit Großeltern im verschneiten Garten
Kuscheln im Bett
Zwei Jugendliche liegen im Bett und hören Musik
Tochter schiebt ihrem Vater einen Plastikburger in den Mund.

Welcome to the familienportal.nrw Families. Parents. Children.

Current Information on

Mutter mit Kind auf dem Arm blickt sorgenvoll in ihren Geldbeutel.

Support with money worries

Any family can get into financial difficulties - it is important to seek help in good time. Here you can get practical tips and find advice centers that can help you in difficult situations.

Das ändert sich 2025 für Familien

What will change for families in 2025

Higher child benefit, more housing benefit, relief for people in need of care and relatives and adjusted income limits for parental benefit: Here you will find an overview of the most important topics!

Challenges in sozialen Netzwerken

New on the family portal

Challenges on social networks can put children and young people under pressure. In this article, you can find out why challenges are so attractive and get tips on how to protect your child.


Polioviruses discovered in NRW

In North Rhine-Westphalia, polioviruses have occasionally been detected in wastewater. Even though no cases of the disease have been reported so far, health experts advise people to check their own vaccination status.

Mann sitzt am Laptop und entdeckt den Familienlotsen.

New search function: My family guide

With our new family guide, you can find suitable offers in your region with just one click - from family offices to multi-generation houses. Why not give it a try!


Tips for choosing the right tax class

Which tax bracket is best for married couples with children? Which tax bracket do single parents choose? Find out here which income tax bracket is right for you.

App "Entdecke NRW"

A guide for your pocket

Are you looking for exciting excursion destinations in the region? In the free "Discover NRW" app, you will find hundreds of offers for the whole family. Try it out now!

Übergewichtiges Kind kocht mit seiner Mutter eine gesunde Mahlzeit.

New frühstArt project supports children with obesity

frühstArt helps children between the ages of 3 and 6 from the North Rhine region who are struggling with being overweight or obese. With the support of coaches, a practical web application and rehab offers, families are scientifically supported for a year to promote healthy weight development in children.


Rights and obligations of grandparents

On the occasion of Older People's Day, we at Familienportal.NRW are shedding light on the role of grandparents in the family. They are often close caregivers for your child. Find out more about their rights and duties.


Children's pictures do not belong on the Internet

Whether on vacation, at the outdoor pool or at birthdays - photos of the whole family are precious memories. But sharing these pictures and videos on social media or messenger apps should be carefully considered. Content can quickly fall into the wrong hands. The police provide important tips on how to protect your child and handle children's photos on the internet responsibly.

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