Talking about the war with children
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Children also have questions about what is happening in Ukraine.
They want to know what's happening. But how do parents explain the war without alienating their child? Here's a collection of resources and information on how to address questions and fears in an age-appropriate way.

- The Karl Kübel Stiftung has put together a collection of tips and advice on how to talk to children about war.
- The institutions of child and youth protection bundle a wide variety of offers that provide help and support for children and young people as well as parents / adults.
- The German Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy e.V. has published a handout for conversations with children. The DGKJP handout "Facts for Families - Talking about War can be accessed at
- On the Internet platform "Schau hin"you will find information pages and news broadcasts that help explain the war in a way that is appropriate for children.