U1 to J1

Early detection examinations for your child


Is your child growing up healthy?

The healthy growth of their child is particularly close to parents' hearts. In the course of development, the pediatrician is an important partner. The services for early detection and preventive care as well as vaccinations to protect against infectious diseases are free of charge.

U1 bis U9

The early detection program for your child

Every child has a legal right to 10 U examinations. The costs are covered by the health insurance. The U examinations take place in the first 6 years of life. The pediatrician checks at these appointments whether the child is developing according to age. This includes topics such as

  • nutrition
  • movement
  • speech and comprehension
  • dexterity
  • social behavior
  • dental health
  • accident prevention
  • vaccination protection

The U examinations help to detect diseases or developmental delays early. Through timely treatment or special promotion, possible consequences for health can be prevented or at least reduced. In adolescence, another preventive examination, the J1, is added.

Be sure to take advantage of the opportunity for early detection for your child!

During these appointments, the pediatrician will also take time for a medical consultation. You can get advice on uncertainties and concerns about development, nutrition, sleep problems or accident prevention.

In addition, you can get more information about local support services such as Early Help or parent-child services.

U1 to U9 Be sure to keep these 10 important appointments with your pediatrician:

  • U1 examination: First check directly after birth
    The U1 takes place directly after birth. The main focus here is on all vital functions in the newborn.
  • U2 examination: 3rd to 10th day of life
    U2 takes place in the first few days after birth, often while the baby is still in the maternity hospital, and includes hearing screening and blood tests for metabolic disorders or cystic fibrosis.
  • U3 examination: 4th to 5th week of life
    The U3 is usually the first examination in the pediatrician's office. Make an appointment with the pediatrician of your choice in good time.
  • U4 examination: 3rd to 4th month of life
    The U4 focuses on the physical and mental development of the baby. Possible problems with drinking and sleeping are among the topics addressed. The first vaccinations are also due at this time at the latest. They are usually carried out after the examinations.
  • U5 examination: 6th to 7th month of life
    Now the baby is already half a year old and is visibly becoming more mobile. At U5, the focus is on the level of physical development.
  • U6 examination: 10th to 12th month of life
    In the meantime, the baby has developed many new skills and the doctor takes a close look at what the child can already do. If necessary, they will discuss together how to treat or promote the child at an early stage.
  • U7 examination: 21st to 24th month of life
    The U7 around the child's second birthday focuses on age-appropriate physical and mental development.
  • U7a examination: 34th to 36th month of life
    Most children start daycare at the age of 3 at the latest. Therefore, the U7a is all about vaccinations, language development, tooth development and much more.
  • U8 examination: 46th to 48th month of life
    At the U8 examination, your child is also examined from head to toe, weighed and measured. Now he or she is almost 4 years old. The physical and mental development as well as the social behavior are closely examined.
  • U9 examination: 60th to 64th month of life
    Shortly before the child's 5th birthday, the U9 focuses in particular on the child's language development, mobility and dexterity with a view to the upcoming start of school.
  • J1 examination: 12 to 14 years old
    After a long time, your child is entitled to another comprehensive health check in adolescence. The health check includes physical and mental health as well as a check of the vaccination status. Missing and supplementary vaccinations can now be made up.

    At the same time, the J1 offers the opportunity for a confidential discussion about puberty problems as well as questions about sexuality between the adolescent doctor and your child.

Because the early detection examinations play a central role for the healthy child growing up, they are documented in the yellow child examination booklet. Here you will also find detailed written information for parents for each examination.

Please bring the yellow child examination booklet and your child's immunization record to all U examinations.


For detailed information on early detection examinations, visit the website kindergesundheit-info.de of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA).

You can find a pediatrician near you on the website of the Berufsverband der Kinder- und Jugendärzte e.V.