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The visit to the pediatrician's office

What helps when the child is afraid?

How parents can help their child

Shortly after birth and then again at regular intervals, your child will need to see a doctor. The pediatrician accompanies the development, performs the early detection examinations, performs vaccinations and is the contact person in case of illness. Visits are not always relaxed, for example, when children develop anxiety. Read here how you can counter these childhood fears and help your son or daughter.

Why do children develop a fear of going to the doctor?

It is not unusual for your child to develop a fear of the pediatrician. After all, a stranger comes quite close to the child during the examination. Babies and toddlers in particular often feel strange and then start to cry.

In addition, vaccinations are due during the regular early detection examinations and the little prick hurts. Sometimes this experience is forgotten by the next visit, but it is also possible that your child will react suspiciously and fearfully from the very beginning. After all, it can not yet estimate what comes to him or her.

Sometimes the defiant phase is also a reason for protest at the doctor's visit. Then it can happen that your child resists with hands and feet against an examination.fears develop, however, also in the case of illness. If your child has to endure unpleasant examinations and painful treatments, he or she will remember them for a long time.

Parents should not underestimate their own tension. Your child senses that! It has fine antennae for when the mother or father is strained and nervous. This tension can be transferred to the child.

How can I prepare for the visit to the doctor?

First of all, choosing the right pediatric practice is an important decision. In addition to professional competence, you and your child should feel understood and in good hands there. A high level of trust gives everyone involved the greatest possible security.

On the portal Kindergesundheit-Info of the Federal Center for Health Education BZgA, you can download a checklist for choosing a pediatrician's practice. It includes helpful questions that can help you make a decision.

What to do if the child does not calm down at all?

If your child does not calm down at all before or during the pediatrician's visit, postpone the appointment until another day. If you force it, things will probably get worse the next time.

If you or your child have had an unpleasant experience with a pediatrician, sometimes it's better to change practices and "start over." You'll see: Things get better with time.

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These tips can help ease your child's anxiety:

  • Take away the fear of visitors
    Tell about the upcoming doctor's visit calmly and normally. Don't make a big deal out of it. Announce that it is going to the doctor's office again soon and convey what your child can expect there. This will show your child that the visit is something common and not to be afraid of.
  • Picture books about pediatrician visit
    Read aloud a picture book that teaches what happens at the pediatrician's office in an age-appropriate way. Explain the story and the pictures.
  • Honesty with the child
    Answer any questions your child may have. Don't hide the fact that the prick of a vaccination can also hurt for a brief moment. Explain to your child why it is necessary.
  • Playful illustration of a visit to the doctor
    Playfully go through the procedure of a doctor's visit with your child and together doctor the cuddly toy, the doll or a family member. With a doctor's kit play set, your child can slip into the role of the doctor himself or herself.
  • Provide support
    Reassure your child that you will be there the whole time and will not leave them alone.

More informationDownload links

For detailed information on visiting a pediatrician's office, visit the Internet portal Kindergesundheit-Info of the Federal Center for Health Education BZgA.

There is also a checklist for choosing a pediatric practice available for free download.