Cures with child

Get new strength in a mother-child or father-child cure

Text last updated: 2023-01-04

Mother or father-child cure: draw new strength

Bringing up children, balancing a career and a household takes a lot of energy. When family difficulties or social problems arise, parents sometimes reach their limits. When everything becomes too much, the stress can also manifest itself through various medical conditions. If you find yourself in such a difficult situation, a mother-child or father-child cure can help. The cure helps to strengthen health and self-healing powers.

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On the internet portal of the Müttergenesungswerk you will find extensive information about the prerequisites, the application and the procedure of a cure. There you will also find special information about mother-child cures and father-child cures.

The mother-child welfare organization advises you free of charge in all questions approximately around the mother-child-cure or father-child-cure, helps with the application as well as the search for the suitable cure hospital.