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International exchange

For a time abroad - how does that work?

What applicants and parents should know

Experiencing a different culture, learning a new language, living away from home for a while and going to school - this is both a brave decision and a great experience for young people.

A few months abroad broadens the horizon with a variety of personal experiences. Being on their own in a foreign country makes exchange students strong and self-confident for life. They learn to be proactive and independent, improve their language skills, expand their intercultural competencies, make new friends and gain perspectives for their personal and professional future. However, this unforgettable experience needs to be well prepared and organized. Clarification of possible funding is also important.

Things to know for teenagers

Are you interested in a stay abroad? Before you send off an application, you should inform yourself well and deal with whether and at what time an exchange is right for you.

    More informationLinks for further reading

    Information on a self-organized exchange and references to Internet offerings, through which you can find advice, hints and tips as well as providers of programs, has been compiled by the Ministry of Education NRW under this link.