18 years old: finally fully legally competent and freedom is calling? When your child comes of age, it is a significant milestone - in the life of a young person and that of their parents. You are probably also wondering: What legal changes come with coming of age? How can we continue to support our child on the path to an independent life in the best possible way without interfering too much? And what can we do if there are problems with each other?
Parents often don't know exactly what role they can play when their child turns 18. Support and advice services can help, among other things, to get an idea of how best to have conversations about difficult topics. Especially if, for example, your child exhibits conspicuous behavior, has difficulties at school and in education or you can no longer have a proper conversation. But even if you find it difficult to "let go" yourself, you can make use of professional parenting advice. You can find out which counseling options are available and where you can find contact points in your area here on Familienportal.NRW.