Child benefit from 18
Child benefit beyond the age of 18
As a rule, child benefit is paid for all children up to their 18th birthday. Even for children of full age can continue to receive from the family fund, if certain conditions are met. Learn in this article when there is a claim to child benefit until the 25th birthday of the child and when not.

At the age of 18, many children are not yet financially on their own two feet. Parents are then still liable to pay maintenance and are entitled to child benefit. The Family Fund will continue to pay on application as long as your daughter or son is studying, training or continuing to attend school. This also applies to an internship, voluntary service, a semester abroad or certain transitional periods. However, you must file an application for child benefits and submit proof or certificates annually to prove that the entitlement continues. Payment of child benefits ends when the training or studies are completed. Payment ends at the latest when the offspring celebrates their 25th birthday.
Apply online for child benefit for children when they reach the age of majority
.You can apply for child benefit online on the website of the Federal Employment Agency. Under the following links you will find the appropriate application and also have the opportunity to notify changes:
.Where can we find help and advice?
The local family office of the Federal Employment Agency is responsible for child benefits. You can find the Familienkasse responsible for you and the associated contact details via the Dienststellenfinder of the Federal Employment Agency.
If you are employed in the public sector or receive pension benefits, you should ask your department or compensation office whether you need to apply for child benefits there or at the family benefits office of the Federal Employment Agency.
If you live abroad but work in Germany, the responsibility of the Familienkasse is determined by special rules described on the Child Benefit for People in or from Abroad page.
If you have a question about child benefits, you can contact the service telephone of the Federal Employment Agency
.- Call number 0800 4 5555 30 .
- Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- The call is free of charge for you
- Announcements about the payment date of child benefit you receive around the clock on 0800 4 5555 33 (also free of charge) .