Media in everyday family life

Children between the ages of 6 and 10 are increasingly developing their own interest in digital media. Whether it's watching TV together, immersing themselves in exciting computer games or even getting their first cell phone - media is becoming increasingly important at this stage of life.

But how much screen time is still acceptable? And when does it make sense to have your own cell phone? The balance between fascination and responsibility is not always easy to find. As a parent, you are faced with the task of balancing your child's media use while at the same time paying attention to potential dangers such as media addiction and cybergrooming.

Targeted media education is the key to teaching your child how to use digital content safely. So that your child learns early on how to use their cell phone and other digital devices responsibly. As a parent, you can help your child develop a healthy and reflective relationship with media that encourages fun and exploration, but also protects them from potential dangers.

Here you will find valuable tips and information to help you guide your child through this important development phase. Read how you can set rules for media use together and how you can support your child in using digital media sensibly and safely.

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