Family ties Kirsten Boie

Listen in now: In conversation with bestselling children's book author Kirsten Boie

Text last updated: 2024-07-24

"We know that reading makes you smarter"

Why reading aloud at an early age is so important, how parents can help their children learn to read, where to get good book recommendations and what role digital media plays in reading skills - we talked to Kirsten Boie about this in the Familienbande parent podcast from Familienportal.NRW.


In this episode of Familienbande, podcast journalist and media scientist Dirk Hildebrand, father of two children himself, and podcast editor Jennifer Borm, mother of a three-year-old daughter from Soest, talk about reading. They are supported by host Ulrike Sommer, in an expert interview with children's book author Kirsten Boie.

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Kirsten Boie as a guest on the "Familienbande" podcast

Kirsten Boie is one of the most versatile and successful German authors of children's and young adult books. Her works include The Little Knight Trenk, The Children from the Seagull Path and The Bird of Hope. She was awarded the German Youth Literature Prize in 2022 for her young adult novel Dark Heart .

Kirsten Boie not only writes books, but has also been committed to ensuring that every child in Germany learns to read for many years. She is convinced that if children can read and understand the content of texts, their chances of educational success and social participation increase.

She talks to host Ulrike Sommer in the podcast about why reading is so important to her.

About Kirsten Boie

Kirsten Boie was born in Hamburg in 1950. She went to school and studied there. She spent a year studying at the University of Southampton in England. After her first state examination in German and English, she completed a doctorate in literature. She initially taught at a grammar school in Hamburg, but later moved to an all-day comprehensive school at her own request. Her first book Paule ist ein Glücksgriff was published in 1985. Kirsten Boie has since published more than 100 books, which have been translated into numerous languages.

In the "Hamburg Declaration: Every child must learn to read" initiated by Kirsten Boie in 2018, the signatories call for more investment in education and the promotion of reading, among other things. Then as now, too many children leave elementary school without being able to read properly.

Where can we find help and advice?

Public libraries
In North Rhine-Westphalia, there are public libraries in 294 towns and municipalities - certainly in your home town or nearby. They are open to everyone and play an important role in promoting reading. The libraries advise all those who want to promote reading and are looking for suitable books or other media.

Parents who are not yet sufficiently proficient in the German language can also find support there. They can use picture books in their native language to get their young children interested in reading.

In addition to advice, many libraries offer a varied program for children and young people that helps to get them interested in reading.

School libraries
Schools and school libraries also offer support. They often work closely with local public libraries. Ask at your child's school.

Mentor - the reading helpers

Parents can find support to encourage their children to read via Mentor - die Leselernhelfer. Mentors come to schools for joint reading lessons, and online reading lessons are also possible.

Tips for reading aloud to primary school children can be found in this article on the Familienportal.NRW.

The Reading Foundation has put together some easy-to-implement tips for parents who want to help their child learn to read.