Reading aloud for preschool children

Comfortable snuggle time while reading together


Reading aloud: an important building block for your child's development

Experts agree: reading aloud makes you smart. If growing children are read to regularly, they are more successful at school. Parents can contribute a lot to this. While you're snuggled up together on the sofa, immersed in foreign worlds, your child is acquiring important skills for kindergarten and school. Language skills improve, the ability to concentrate is trained and the little ones learn to empathize with other people. In this article, we have compiled tips for you. So reading aloud becomes a feel-good time for parents and children.

Why is reading aloud so valuable?


Why is reading aloud so valuable?

  • Joint reading time creates a sense of security and closeness: Children like to look at picture books and listen to stories together in a cozy atmosphere. And for parents, too, it is often a time of relaxation.
  • Reading aloud expands your child's vocabulary and expressive ability.
  • Children get more understanding of other children and people. They learn from their heroines and heroes about friendship, frustrations and joys. This makes it easier to get along in groups.
  • Reading aloud prepares for the start of school: Children who have been read to have proven it easier to learn to read and write later in school.

Don't worry: anyone can read aloud!


Don't be inhibited if you yourself never liked reading aloud in front of the class at school. You don't need professional training for quality time with your child! Here are a few ideas for you on how to make stories come alive. You'll find it's great fun:

  • Play with your volume by getting really quiet at times, then louder again, to match the text.
  • Just adjust your voice once. Talk higher or lower, make appropriate sounds.
  • Build in pauses, wait a moment and only then continue reading.
  • Tell quiet times freely to the picture and ask your child what he sees.
  • Curious intermediate questions are allowed at any time. Be happy that the story appeals to your child, and respond to your child before you continue with the story.

Creating the right atmosphere: This is how reading aloud works!


  • Find a suitable time and make reading aloud a fixed ritual. In many families, it's hard to imagine life without the "bedtime story." For parents, it can be a good opportunity to catch your own breath. At the same time, your child can snuggle up with mom or dad one more time before going to sleep. The sofa or soft carpet can also be good places to read aloud. The main thing is cozy!
  • How much time do you want to schedule? Children often can not get enough of reading aloud. Therefore, it is good if you set a time slot for reading aloud. If possible, no one should disturb you during this time. Make reading aloud your quality time together!
  • Choose a book suitable for the age of your child, so that he can understand the content well.

Audio stories are an alternative when time is short


As nice as reading aloud together is, sometimes there just isn't enough time. Fortunately, reading or listening still doesn't have to be completely cancelled. There is a wide selection of audio stories for children on the Internet. Here are some examples with stories of different lengths:


How do I find suitable books?

  • Specialty stores have a wide selection of books for all ages. One advantage is that the sales staff can give you qualified advice.
  • Who does not want to buy right away, can simply borrow books. In public libraries there is a wide range: picture books, short stories and also audio books.
  • Numerous book suggestions and action ideas, immediately sorted by age group, can be found on the page of the Stiftung Lesen.
  • The Stiftung Lesen also presents various reading apps on its website with rating and information about the costs.
  • No book at hand? You are also well equipped with a cell phone, tablet or PC. On the Internet, there are many websites with stories that you can read aloud. For example, on "Simply Read Aloud". There you will find new stories sorted by age group on a regular basis.

On the Internet portal there is new free read-aloud fun for children from 3, 5 and 7 years every week. "einfach vorlesen" is also available as an app in the App Store and on Google Play.

The Stiftung Lesen provides detailed information on why reading is so important from the very beginning.

With the Read Aloud Monitor, the foundation examines how reading aloud is doing in Germany. The current study 2022 is online.

The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) also provides tips for parents on reading aloud. On the portal Kindergesundheit-info you will find information as well as downloads, links and reading tips.

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