Financial assistance for parents with a disabled child

State support for affected families

Text last updated: 2024-05-07

State support for affected families

Living with a disabled or chronically ill child not only presents parents with enormous emotional, mental and time-related challenges. Those affected also often face considerable financial burdens. To help, parents can take advantage of a whole range of assistance.


What help can parents of children with disabilities take advantage of?

Here you can get an initial overview of state benefits as well as references to guides and further sources of information:

What support do the parents of disabled children receive?

Parents of children with disabilities also receive support services. These include:

Where can we find help and advice?

Health insurance, care insurance, social welfare office? Making applications is time-consuming and complicated. Finding the right contact person at the relevant office is often not easy either. Make use of help, for example from local disability associations or participation advice centers, which you can find at

A guide for families to support parents with a disabled or chronically ill child in everyday life can be found on the Kindergesundheit-Info portal of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA).

The Federal Ministry of Labor provides information on the website about rights and assistance for people with disabilities.

The Aktion Mensch website provides an overview of advice centers.

The Rhineland Regional Association (LVR) provides information on benefits, assistance, applications and forms for blindness benefit and assistance for the blind.

The Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR) also provides information about benefits, applications and forms for deafness benefits.

The brochure "Mein Kind ist behindert - diese Hilfen gibt es" (as of 2020) provides an overview of the benefits to which affected families are entitled. You can download the brochure from the website of the Bundesverband für körper- und mehrfachbehinderte Menschen e.V. in German and other languages.

The Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has published a "Guide for People with Disabilities". The brochure is also available in plain language.

The brochure from the Competence Centers for Independent Living in NRW (KSL) provides an overview of various support options and services for children and parents with developmental abnormalities, chronic illnesses or impairments.