A new baby

Growing together in the new family takes time

Text last updated: 2022-12-21

Patchwork families

The patchwork family is one of the many modern family forms. When singles with children from previous partnerships become a new family, things are usually turbulent. When a new addition to the family is announced, it is a huge change for everyone involved, in addition to the great happiness.


What is a patchwork family?

Patchwork families arise when one parent starts a new partnership after a separation. Many colorful variations can arise, for example when parents bring their children into the relationship. Sometimes there are also new children together. This may turn the older children into half-siblings. This news is not always met with immediate enthusiasm by everyone involved. After all, the network of relationships in a patchwork family can be complicated.

Looking forward to the baby - but bad mood in the family?

When children are born into the patchwork family, the roles and relationships shift again. The separation of the biological parents is likely to be difficult for children. In future, they will also have to share love with the baby of the family. Parental roles must also be renegotiated and a way of dealing with parents from previous partnerships must be found. It is not always possible to meet the needs of the first and second family in the best possible way.

How do the older children react to the good news?

"Does dad love the baby more than me?", "Does mom still have time for me?", "Will the baby be favored?" Future (half-)siblings in particular often find it difficult to be happy about the baby news. The fear that the new baby will be loved more than they are is too great. Fear, jealousy and anger may spread or the sibling may be seen as competition. It is generally not easy for younger children to accept that their parents' love will have to be shared in the future when a new baby arrives. It can be even more difficult for children in a patchwork family.

How can parents deal with their children's fears?

Especially at the beginning, the new baby will attract all the attention. Even during pregnancy, parents need to give their patchwork children plenty of attention and signal that they are still there for them, that they love the children just as much as before and that no one is favored or disadvantaged. And the children should also have the chance to love their new sibling unconditionally.

How do parents from a previous partnership deal with the new situation?

The new love or even a pregnancy not only stabs the children in the heart, but perhaps also the parent from a previous relationship. Hurt feelings, worries about finances or fears that the older children will be neglected are spreading. Even if this is a difficult situation, discuss your worries in private. Don't talk badly about the other parent in front of your children. Children want to love both parents - even after a separation.

What role conflicts can arise in the new partnership?

Starting or expanding a family with your new love is a great happiness. Stay calm if there are sometimes jealousies and conflicts instead of family idylls. This happens in the best families. Also accept that the children from the previous relationship will always remain an important part of life.

Tips for growing together in a patchwork family

First of all, every patchwork family is different and has to find its own way of living together. However, these tips can give you a clue as to how growing together in a patchwork family can succeed:

  • Explain to your child in an age-appropriate way why it is important to you to enter into a new relationship. Make them feel that you love them just as much as ever.
  • Talk to your child about their fears and anxieties regarding the new family and the new addition. Ask your child about their needs and make sure you don't stir up any insecurities.
  • Even if time is always too short: the older child still needs the usual attention when the new arrival is around. Take exclusive moments to show them: You are just as important to me as the new partnership and the baby.
  • If your child lives with the other parent: stay in touch, always offer contact and make sure you keep appointments and visitation weekends. This will show that it is just as important to you as the newborn.

  • Where can we find advice when things get difficult?

    There is potential for conflict in every family, and this also applies to the colorful family life in a patchwork family. If the problems are getting out of hand, you can seek professional advice. State and church educational and family counseling centers can help with various counseling and support services. The online portal of the bke-Elternberatung, the Federal Conference for Educational Counseling, offers professional advice and a forum where you can exchange ideas with other patchwork families.

    Further information Links to read more

    You can find various online discussion forums and experience reports on the topic of patchwork families in the parents' forum of the bke parents' advice service.

    You can find information about custody and access rights in patchwork families on the federal government's family portal.

    Tips for fathers who live apart can be found on the portal www.vaeter.nrw.

    Many local authorities in NRW bundle their services and contact addresses relating to family life (advice centers, parent-child courses, leisure activities and much more) on a special Internet portal. You can find the link to this service for your town or municipality here on our Familienportal.NRW: