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Children with disabilities

Counseling centers can help in this difficult situation


Parents of children with disabilities are not alone

With the news of a disability or illness of the child are associated with fears, worries and questions for expectant parents. Special counseling centers can help in this difficult situation.

Kinder mit Behinderung

Help: Our child has a disability

When expectant parents receive the news that their baby may have a disability, it is always a big shock. Many feel helpless and alone with the question of what may be in store for them and how to proceed. There may also be questions about whether the mother wants to carry the baby to term. Early counseling is especially important in this situation. It can help to reduce fears, overcome the initial helplessness and find suitable support services.

Where can we go for pre-birth counseling?

Counseling centers run by various agencies are available in many places, for example from Caritas, Diakonie, the churches, Pro Familia, Arbeiterwohlfahrt or independent associations. You can go in person to a counseling center of your choice or get advice by phone, e-mail or online chat. The counseling is voluntary, free of charge and confidential, if desired anonymous.

You can find a counseling center near you via the BZgA database.

What help is available?

Parents of children with disabilities are entitled to many forms of assistance. The support ranges from care services for children to rehabilitation measures and early intervention to financial support for remodeling measures. You should not be afraid to accept any help available to make life easier for you and your child. The local associations for the disabled and participation counseling centers are the first points of contact. Here you will receive moral support as well as information about which offices are responsible for which assistance offers.

What is early intervention?

Parents of children with a (threatening) disability are entitled to early intervention. It is aimed at children between 0 and 6 years of age. In the early intervention centers, various specialists work together to ensure that the children and their families receive the best possible support. Early intervention is free of charge for parents. It is provided regardless of the parents' income and assets.

Why is early intervention important?

The earlier a health abnormality or impairment in the child's development is detected, the better appropriate measures can be initiated. Early support is important to mitigate the consequences of disabilities. Especially in the first years of a child's life, curative education and therapeutic measures can have a positive influence on development. Examples of early intervention include movement therapy, vision school or language support. Specially trained therapists work with the child to develop and improve his or her skills. In early intervention, parents and caregivers also learn how to contribute to the child's development with targeted exercises.

Where can we find an early intervention center?

Where you can go with your child to the appropriate early intervention, often knows the pediatrician. You can also search the Internet for suitable offers. On the website www.frühfö, there is a funding agency finder.

Where can I find a counseling center?

You can find counseling services via the portal of the EUTB specialist unit


More informationLinks for further reading

You can find a counseling center near you via the BZgA database.

You can use the Förderstellenfinder to find an early intervention center near you


The portal "einfach teilhaben" of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth provides information on the topics of preventive care and early detection, early intervention, childcare, care of children, legal care.

To the guide for families with a disabled or chronically ill child, click here.