
Which support is right for us?

Text last updated: 2024-06-04

Knowing your child is well looked after

Many parents want to reconcile work and family life. The prerequisite for this is good quality and reliable childcare. In North Rhine-Westphalia, parents can choose from various forms of childcare. You can find an initial overview here.


Which form of childcare is right for us?

In order to approach the topic of childcare and find a solution that suits your family, you should ask yourself the following questions early on:

  • How long do we want to look after our child ourselves? How should parental leave be divided between the parents?
  • Can someone within our family be considered for childcare? For example, grandma or grandpa?
  • What other childcare options are suitable for us?
  • At what age should our child be looked after?
  • How many hours a day or week do we need childcare?
  • On what days of the week do we need childcare?
  • What costs will we incur?

How do we find the right childcare?

In North Rhine-Westphalia, there are various types of child daycare. A distinction is made between child day care, i.e. care close to the family, especially for children under the age of three with a childminder, and care in day care facilities with many different variants, for example in family centers, as company kindergartens or as parent initiatives. The decision ultimately depends on which offer suits you and is available where you live. It is advisable to obtain information in good time in order to find a suitable place. Parents should notify the responsible youth welfare office of their child's need for childcare at least 6 months before they wish to have their child looked after. This notification can also be made via a selected daycare center or via the local specialist placement office for child daycare.

These daycare options are available in North Rhine-Westphalia:

What does daycare cost?

The good news first: The last two years of childcare for your child before they start school are generally free of charge in North Rhine-Westphalia. Daycare is also free of charge if the cost contributions are not reasonable for parents and child, for example due to the receipt of certain social benefits.

Other than that, the following applies:
Each local authority decides on the parental contributions itself. Information on the calculation of parental contributions can be found on the website of your local authority.

The amount of parental contributions for a place in a daycare center or childminding service depends, for example,

  • how long the child is looked after and
  • how high the family's monthly income is.

Information on the specific amount and calculation of contributions can be found on the municipal websites of your city or municipality.

In addition to the parental contributions to the youth welfare office, there may also be additional costs and contributions for meals.

When should we look for childcare?

In many towns and municipalities, the demand for daycare places is high. You should therefore find out in good time what options are available to you. Please contact your local youth welfare office if you have any questions about child daycare.

The KiTa-Portal of the Ministry for Children, Family, Refugees and Integration of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia bundles extensive information and offers relating to the care and early education of children aged between 0 and 6 years.

On the portal you will find comprehensive information on daycare for children under and over 3 years of age.

The KiTa-Finder NRW makes it easier for you to search for daycare centers near your place of residence. The online service provides you with descriptions of the educational concept, contact details and information on the number of groups and places for children in your area.

On the KiTa-Portal you will also find detailed information on child day care.

Many local authorities in NRW bundle their services and contact addresses relating to family life (advice centers, parent-child courses, leisure activities and much more) on a special Internet portal. You can find the link to this service for your town or municipality here on our Familienportal.NRW: