Traveling with a child

Holiday tips and checklists for parents

Text last updated: 2024-02-02

Baby on board

Holidays with a baby: At what age can parents start thinking about their first trip together? What are suitable travel destinations with a child? And what needs to be considered when a baby is on board? There's a lot to organize before you can finally set off.

Baby an Board

Traveling with a baby or toddler: is it a good plan?

Those planning a trip have a lot of decisions to make. This is especially true for parents who want to go on vacation with their baby or toddler for the first time. Once the routine of everyday family life has settled in and mom and dad feel confident with their child, parents can start thinking about traveling again. This is usually the case after the first 3 months. Perhaps start with a slightly shorter trip on a trial basis. If you stay in Germany or in a German-speaking country, you have the advantage that there are no language barriers and no particular health risks to be expected. This is certainly a good choice for your first trial vacation. If everything goes well and your confidence in your "fitness to travel" grows, you can take the next step. Good planning is always the be-all and end-all. With the following tips, you will be well prepared.

The destination: where do you want to go?

When it comes to travel destinations, opinions differ: some people go on a local vacation in Germany, some dare to travel to other European countries and others even venture on a long-distance trip. The right decision certainly also has something to do with your own composure, travel experience and expectations of the vacation. Mountains or sea, city break or sports vacation, near or far: The decision is of course entirely up to the parents, yet the needs of all fellow travelers, especially the child, should be considered.

What criteria help in the decision-making process?

The journey: Car, motorhome, train or plane?

A lot of the journey also revolves around the needs of the child. In terms of organization, the car or motorhome is certainly the most convenient means of travel for families. It can be packed on site without having to lug suitcases far or having to observe weight restrictions. What's more, you can start your vacation right on your doorstep.

However, not all children like driving. Some fall asleep quickly to the regular engine noise, but others do not. If the whining starts after just 30 minutes, it quickly becomes exhausting for parents. What's more, children often become nauseous on long car journeys.

Taking the train has advantages and disadvantages. There are no traffic jams, parents have their hands free and nobody has to pay attention to the traffic. Standing up during the journey is not a problem and parents have enough space in the toddler compartment to play with their children in a relaxed manner. However, timetables and changeover times must be observed. When it comes to luggage, you need to think carefully about what you need to take with you. With a long packing list parents quickly reach their limits.

Flying with a baby is also unproblematic these days. Babies up to the age of 2 often travel free of charge on airplanes if they do not require their own seat. If the distance to the destination is longer, the plane saves a lot of time. It is better to fly for 2 hours than to spend 14 hours in the car with whining toddlers. Excess baggage usually incurs additional costs on the plane. It is best to enquire with the airline or travel agency well in advance.

Vacation apartment, farm, family hotel: what is the perfect accommodation?

Accommodation also depends on individual wishes. In a vacation apartment or vacation home, parents with children are relatively flexible. You can organize your time individually and don't have to take other guests into consideration. In many cases, family-friendly facilities can also be booked.

In a family-friendly hotel, parents and children are well looked after. No one has to worry about meals. However, fixed meal times leave little flexibility for your own family rhythm. There is often children's entertainment, a children's playground and much more. You meet other families so that slightly older children can quickly socialize with their peers. You should check the size and furnishings of the hotel room you have booked in advance so that you don't feel cramped as a family, especially if a crib is added.

Maybe a farm is also the right destination? Things are usually much more relaxed here than in hotels or vacation resorts and the children can have fun with the animals.

Since the coronavirus pandemic, individual travel by motorhome has become a trend. With a van, you are flexible at all times and can stop off when and where you want. However, the vacation takes place in a small space.

As a general rule, expectations, requirements and travel habits vary from person to person. Try out where and on which travel routes you feel most comfortable with your children.

Program design: What is suitable for children?

Holidays with small children are different to what you may be used to. Everything needs to be carefully planned, spontaneity has to take a back seat for a while and the daily rhythm is primarily based on the little ones' mealtimes and bedtimes. Nevertheless, traveling with children is a valuable family time when the hustle and bustle of everyday life can stay outside. Enjoy the time together and stay calm, even if your child throws the daily schedule out of kilter at times. You are on vacation and don't have a to-do list to work through. The more relaxed you are about it, the more relaxed your child will be.

On the NRW Tourismus website you will find information and suggestions for attractive excursion and travel destinations for families in NRW.

The state of NRW promotes vacations in the family holiday resort. The requirements and further information can be found at

This brochure provides an overview of package travel law, including the package travel contract, travel brokerage and the brokerage of associated travel services.

This brochure informs you about your most important rights when traveling.