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Bathing in NRW

Summer pastime for little money

Refreshing adventures for the whole family

"Pack your bathing suit!" That's what we like to say in the summer. Water has a fascinating attraction for us; it refreshes and invigorates in equal measure. In addition, bathing in local waters is a summer pastime for families and children that costs little money. The physical exercise is fun, time flies and the whole family enjoys it. To ensure that the swimming trip remains unclouded, you should know the most important bathing rules. Would you like to learn more? Then dive right into this article!

Safety first!

A day at the swimming lake offers you and your children the opportunity to enjoy the cool water to the fullest. Whether splashing in the shallow water, swimming around the race or water sports activities such as stand-up paddling or pedal boating - the possibilities are endless! How good that in North Rhine-Westphalia many local waters with a high water quality invite you to go swimming.

Bathing with reason: Here lurk the greatest dangers

Before it goes, you should familiarize yourself with the most important bathing rules. Who knows the rules, reduces the risk of bathing accidents.

In particular, swimming in unauthorized waters is life-threatening. These include the Rhine, the Weser and the canals. The currents and swells are life-threatening even for experienced swimmers. Even quarry ponds, if they are not expressly permitted for swimming, can be dangerous. Be sure to heed posted warning signs!

The most common cause of swimming accidents is careless behavior. Be especially careful when jumping head first into murky water. A jump into unfamiliar waters should be avoided at all costs if you cannot estimate the water depth. Serious injuries up to paraplegia can be the result.

Some people overestimate their strength when swimming out. A calf cramp can lead to panic and bring the person concerned in distress. Dangerously it can become also, if someone jumps after eating and drinking or an extensive sun bath overheated into the cold water. There is a risk of circulatory collapse.

The most important bathing rules for unadulterated bathing fun!

  • Stay within the designated bathing zones. As a rule, here there are no water plants and no steep slopes of the bottom to worry about. In addition, this area is often guarded by trained rescue personnel.
  • Familiarize yourself with the rules of self-help in the water for unexpected situations!
  • Never swim with a full or completely empty stomach!
  • Cool down before entering the water, and leave the water immediately if you freeze!
  • As a non-swimmer, enter the water only up to the chest!
  • Only jump if the water below you is deep enough and clear!
  • Unknown shores hold dangers!
  • Avoid swampy and plant-infested waters!
  • During thunderstorms, bathing is life-threatening!
  • Do not overestimate strength and skill in open water!
  • Air mattress, car hose and rubber animals are dangerous toys in the water!
  • Take care of other bathers, especially children!
  • Do not pollute the water and behave hygienically!
  • Avoid intensive sunbathing!
  • Never call for help if you are not really in danger, but help others when help is needed!

Caution: Pollutants and contamination can lurk in bathing waters

The bathing waters in North Rhine-Westphalia predominantly have a high water quality. In North Rhine-Westphalia, there are currently 85 designated EU bathing waters with 111 bathing sites, where water quality tests are carried out regularly during the bathing season. The Ministry of the Environment and the North Rhine-Westphalia State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection expressly point this out.

Nevertheless, health risks can occur.

In particular, if it is very hot in the summer, it can come to bacterial infections that lead to gastrointestinal diseases. Causes can be pathogens that enter the water through feces. Birds and ducks also contribute to contamination in some places. People with open and poorly healing wounds should therefore not go into the summer-warm water.

In hot summers, excessive blue-green algae can develop in swimming lakes. These are bacteria, cyanobacteria to be precise. These bacteria can cause nausea, diarrhea and inflammation of the throat, eyes and ears, or allergic reactions. If you experience health problems after bathing, you should consult a doctor. Please also inform the health department.

How to protect yourself in case of blue-green algae

To protect yourself from cyanobacteria, you should follow the following advice:

  • The bathing sites in NRW are regularly monitored by the authorities. Find out before the bathing trip, whether bathing is currently allowed, and be sure to observe existing bathing bans.
  • There is a rule of thumb to which you can orient yourself: If you are knee-deep in the water and can not see the feet due to a green-blue turbidity, you should rather not go swimming.
  • Children often swallow water when romping, splashing and splashing. Especially in the shallow water area like to float the cyanobacteria. Therefore, as parents, give special attention if you observe water discoloration.
  • After bathing should be thoroughly showered. Wash out swimming trunks, bikini or swimsuit to rinse out the bacteria. This will prevent skin irritation later.


Bathing in harmony with the animal and plant world

When you go swimming, you should always act in harmony with nature. Local bathing lakes are often rich in plants and animals. Their natural habitat must be protected and preserved. Parents are a good role model for their children! With the necessary sense of responsibility and due consideration for the habitat of animals and the diversity of plant life, the summer can be enjoyed to the fullest.

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  • Adhere to designated use zones.
    For the relief of the lake as well as for the protection of the animal and plant world many lakes are divided into different use zones. For example, bathing, fishing or surfing is then only allowed in certain areas of the lake.
  • Observe protection zones.
    Certain water and shore areas are specially demarcated (signs) because wildlife needs quiet for breeding as well as sufficient opportunity to feed, and rare plants should be preserved.
  • Spare the riparian vegetation.
    To protect animals and plants, please move only in the approved areas.
  • Make sure you maintain proper hygiene.
    Do not use the lake as a toilet or nutrients and germs will enter the water.
  • Remove sunscreen products before bathing.
    The fact that you apply sunscreen while sunbathing is very important for the health of your skin. Before bathing in the fresh waters, however, you should remove these products from your skin as best you can (with a towel or in the shower) so that you do not carry any of them into the water. You will save the water unnecessary pollutants.
  • Do not throw food scraps into the water!
    This means that superfluous nutrients enter the water. In addition, salmonellae can also enter the water in this way, which is a particular concern in view of the higher temperatures at which salmonellae multiply more quickly in food.
  • Do not feed waterfowl or fish.
    Also with this you favor the water pollution. In addition, feeding causes an excessive number of waterfowl to settle, which not only pollute the lawns with their droppings, but can also be the cause of bacterial contamination of the water.
  • Do not throw empty cans, bottles, etc. into the water or into the terrain (risk of injury).
    Use the trash cans provided for this purpose. If there are none, you should collect your waste in bags you have brought with you and dispose of it at home.


Information about bathing waters in North Rhine-Westphalia can be found on the website LANUV - Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen.


With one click you can find out about current bathing bans in NRW:


The water quality of domestic waters guarantees carefree swimming pleasure for the current bathing season. This is confirmed by the North Rhine-Westphalia State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection. The current measured values can be found at:

Safety tips and bathing rules for bathing fun, the DLRG has compiled child-friendly on its website.

There is also a YouTube video from the DLRG with the most important bathing rules.

A guidebook from the Federal Environment Agency provides information "All about bathing water."