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The first visit to the gynecologist

No need for fear and shame

The first visit to the gynecologist

There is no fixed age recommendation for when a girl should visit a gynecologist for the first time. In most cases, a specific reason leads to making an appointment at a gynecological practice. This can be, for example, menstrual cramps, the absence of periods or an inflammation in the intimate area. Often it is the desire to have the pill prescribed as a contraceptive, but sometimes also the suspicion of being pregnant.

Der erste Besuch beim Frauenarzt

What happens during the first visit to the practice?

Before the first visit to the doctor's office, there is particular concern about having to sit in the gynecological chair. But a physical exam - palpation, pap smear and breast exam - is usually not necessary at the first appointment.

Some gynecologists offer a special girls' consultation, where the first time is only advised, but not examined. Topics at the first visit may include:

  • Menstruation (regularity, duration, strength, when was the last bleeding?)
  • .
  • Diseases or health problems in the family
  • .
  • Gynecological complaints or problems
  • .
  • Contraceptive methods and options
  • .

Medical confidentiality applies to all discussions, which means that counseling is confidential. However, for girls under 14 years of age, parents must be involved if the pill is prescribed.

What to think about before the first visit?

There's probably no way to completely avoid getting excited before your first appointment at the gynecologist's office. Therefore, it may be useful for you to write a cheat sheet for the interview together with your daughter. Then the most important questions cannot be forgotten. If a menstrual calendar is already kept, this should also be in the bag, as well as the health insurance card, of course. If the daughter does not want to go to the gynecologist alone, she can take a friend, the friend, mother or father as an escort.


Are fear and shame normal?

Even without specific concerns, the first visit to a gynecologist's office often triggers feelings of shame and fear. After all, this involves sensitive issues and an intimate area of the body. It helps to know that almost all patients are afraid of the "first time" and that this is usually unfounded.

What can you do to ease your daughter's fears?

It helps to reduce the fears if you tell about your positive experiences. As a mother, you can describe how you yourself felt at the time. Tell about the procedures at the gynecologist's office, about the compassionate care you received, or about the reassurance that screenings provide. As a father, you can tell about the experience of seeing your child for the first time by ultrasound.

Is it about contraception?

The most common reason for the first visit to the gynecologist's office is the desire for contraception. The gynecologist can provide expert and individual advice on the various options and the respective advantages and disadvantages. Girls and young women are welcome to bring their boyfriends to the practice for a discussion about contraception. After all, contraception together is a topic for both!


Whether or not your daughter wants to go to your gynecology practice should be up to her. The choice of practice is free. A fundamental decision in advance is rather the question: female doctor or male doctor? Many girls prefer to be examined in the intimate area by a woman. In addition to your own experience, it can't hurt to ask around among your acquaintances and listen to recommendations from people you trust. In popular practices, however, waiting times for an appointment can be relatively long if there are no acute complaints.

More informationLinks for further reading

The youth portal informs openly and youth-appropriately about all topics of sexuality, contraception, feelings and the changes of the body during puberty


Information to prepare for the first visit to the gynecologist also offers the website of pro familia
