Finance training or studies

BAföG and the KfW student loan

Text last updated: 2024-03-05

These financing instruments help on the way to the career of your dreams

The choice of career is one of the most important decisions for the future. The dream job must not fail because of financial possibilities. If parents lack the funds for the desired education or studies, low-interest loans and government grants can help. Find out here which subsidized financing instruments are available.


BAFöG: Application now also possible digitally

KfW student loan: Independent of parents' income

All information on the BAföG as well as the online application can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

For detailed information on the KfW Student Loan, please visit the KfW Bank website.

You can find the most important facts in brief here:

Weitere Tipps gibt es auf dem Portal der Verbraucherzentrale zur Finanzierung von Ausbildung und Studium.