Which insurances are necessary?

Maturity: This changes around insurance

Text last updated: 2023-02-14

When the child comes of age, parents should make an insurance check

When your child turns 18, it's time to check your family rates and make sensible adjustments. Which insurances are mandatory, which make sense, which can be dispensed with? Under certain conditions, your daughter or son can continue to be covered by a family policy beyond the age of 18, which is often cheaper. Here we have summarized the most important information for you.


What insurance is important for my child when he or she turns 18?

Check which insurance cover is indispensable and discuss where your child would like to take out voluntary insurance. A private liability insurance should have each and everyone necessarily. A health insurance is mandatory
. Whether other insurances make sense depends on the individual life situation and the plans of your offspring. In the case of a longer stay abroad or semester abroad, for example, travel health insurance makes sense. Also check whether and when additional insurance is really necessary, such as cell phone insurance, laptop insurance or special bicycle insurance.

Private liability through parents

Is your child still going to school? Or is your child undergoing training and still living at home? Then your daughter or son is usually automatically covered by their parents' liability insurance. It is only necessary to take out your own private liability insurance when your child moves or finishes his or her education. If in doubt, ask your insurance provider.

Statutory health insurance

Pupils, young people on federal voluntary service, trainees and students generally continue to be covered by statutory health insurance through their parents until the age of 25. Different regulations apply to students who are older than 25 or whose income from additional earnings or side jobs exceeds certain limits, which are usually quite tight. It is essential that you enquire about this directly with your health insurance company.

Private health insurance

For children who have private health insurance through their parents, nothing changes as a result of their 18th birthday. At the time your daughter or son begins training or studies, your child can usually decide whether to remain privately insured or switch to a statutory health insurance. It is best to seek advice from your health insurance company.

Occupational disability insurance (BuZ)

In the case of occupational disability insurance - known as BuZ for short - it can actually already make sense for trainees and students to take out cover for their working capacity. The BuZ protects in the event of disability already during training or studies, if the intended profession can not be exercised. An early conclusion at a young age also has the advantage that the insurance rates are more favorable, because the age and health profile have a positive effect.

Private accident and nursing care insurance

Private insurance protects against financial consequences in the event of long-term care or possible disability as a result of an accident. Weigh up how important this insurance cover is for your child and what the risk cover costs.

Motor vehicle liability insurance

Does your child use the family car from time to time? Then remember that you must register your daughter or son as an additional driver with the motor vehicle insurance. If your child drives his or her own car, you may be able to save on insurance premiums if the first car you own is registered as a second car in the name of the mother or father. Then you can take over the no-claims bonus and take advantage of lower premiums. As a novice driver, your child will otherwise pay the highest rates.