Second educational path
There is always a second way
Catching up on your school-leaving qualifications in order to pursue your dream career or degree? Sometimes you don't have the right qualification to pave the way for career advancement. There is always a perspective for this. In North Rhine-Westphalia, all educational paths are open to young adults. Here you will find tips, advice and suggestions on where to find suitable courses and how to organize the acquisition of additional qualifications.

It's easier with a clear goal in mind
Catching up on your desired school-leaving qualifications via second-chance education opens up many opportunities, but also requires a great deal of commitment. You should therefore make it clear to yourself what your specific goal is and what is worth the effort. This increases the likelihood that you will persevere, even during stressful phases. Discuss your goals and plans for the qualification with your family and friends and ask for their support. Plan how additional workloads can be organized together. Find a daily structure for yourself that leaves enough time for concentrated learning. It is also advisable to involve your employer at an early stage. Even if the training is not company-related.
Where can we find help and advice?
If you would like personal advice, please contact the further education advisory service in North Rhine-Westphalia. Via the Info-Telefon Berufliche Weiterbildung of the Bürger- und ServiceCenter "Nordrhein-Westfalen direkt" on 0211 837-1929 for information on the following topics:
- Catching up on school or vocational qualifications
- Bildungsscheck NRW
- Aufstiegs-BAföG
- Other funding opportunities
- Contact with a local advice center
To find out more about the offers and possibilities of the second educational path, the careers advice service of the Employment Agency will also be happy to help. You can make an appointment free of charge by calling 0800 4 5555500 or online.
Your local adult education center will be happy to advise you in a personal meeting.
A free telephone service of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for further education advice is available Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on 0800 2017909. The information telephone service is also available in German sign language via video telephony . Information on this can be found on the website Weiterbildungsberatung NRW.