Family & Partnership
The intense time in which everything revolves around the well-being of the children is slowly coming to an end. The more grown-up the offspring become, the more personal freedom returns. There is more space for relationships and friends, for hobbies and leisure activities. Of course, you will be happy about the independence you have regained, but there may also be a little bit of melancholy when the children become more and more independent and eventually move out of home completely.
When the children finally leave home, family life will change significantly. It may even feel like a new beginning. For many parents, it's a time to look back and reflect. Didn't our son just start school? Did I prepare my daughter well enough for her independent life? What was our relationship like before we had children?
The new role of parent requires a rethink and letting go of previous responsibilities. Feelings such as insecurity, anxiety, empty nest syndrome, but also joy and excitement about many new possibilities can arise. Now is the time to rediscover everyday life together. Here you will find ideas and suggestions on how you can shape this next phase of your life and nurture your relationship with your adult child.