Empty Nest Syndrome
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Shaping the new phase of life when the children move out
When the children move out, there is suddenly a void. It becomes quiet at home. Perhaps sadness and a feeling of loneliness also spread. Tasks and duties that have determined everyday family life for years fall away. The partnership takes on a new role. Some mothers and fathers find this transition difficult. What you can do and where you can find help, read in this article.

These tips can help parents make "letting go" of children easier:
- Children don't grow up overnight. Realize from the beginning that your youngest child will also move out one day. Well before that time, deal with the thought of how you want to shape the new phase of life.
- Keep regular contact with your children. With the new media, this is easier than ever. Through a joint WhatsApp group, Facetime or Skype, you continue to participate in the lives of your children. Look forward to the moments when the family gets together again. Visits and joint ventures may now even run much more relaxed than before.
- Be open with your feelings. It goes to the vast majority of parents so. You do not have to hide your sadness. Talk to your partner and other affected mothers and fathers. Share your experience and strategies.
- Activate old friendships in time, actively seek new acquaintances.
- Use the newfound time for hobbies that have been too short for many years: Start exercising again, try a new sport, finally treat yourself to the beloved theater subscription, sign up for a language course, pursue your own preferences for which you have not had time for years.
- Maybe you feel like volunteering in the future? Charities, neighborhood help, clubs and church institutions are happy about every helping hand. In many places, there are volunteer associations that advise interested parties and help to find the right task for themselves.
- Make joint plans with your partner. Spend time together and rediscover your relationship. Use the free space to revive common interests or try something new. Maybe there's a major craft project coming up that you want to tackle together?
- Use the space gained in the house or apartment to pursue your hobby or favorite pastime. Of course, with the consent of your child. Maybe set up a yoga corner in the children's room, a small studio, a gym or your workshop.
- Have the courage to actively shape your new stage of life. You can be proud that your children are now independent and go your own way. Now it's your turn again to focus on your own needs.