Vacation care

Holiday fun with reliable care for the vacation season


Perhaps you too are wondering: How do we bridge the school vacations?

Many working parents face the challenge of ensuring care for their children, especially in the summer: The children are looking forward to the big vacations, but how should care be organized when parents have to work? . After all, there are more than 12 school vacation weeks to cover over the course of a school year. So alternatives are needed. Read here what options are available to make this time eventful for children.


What alternatives and offers of vacation care are there?

To admit, it needs a foresighted planning and quite a few arrangements to organize the vacation care well. There are various options, which can also be combined with each other under certain circumstances.


Grandparents, the godparents or other relatives may be happy to take over the care of the children for a certain time and spend time together with them. Excursions and activities in the vicinity can provide variety. Often there are plenty of child-friendly destinations to discover in the home, which are great fun for both sides.

Parent Network

Have you considered teaming up with one or two other families with children of the same age to take turns providing care on a daily or weekly basis? If this may be a model for you, feel free to actively approach other parents about it. Surely, friendly families in your area have a similar problem and are happy to share solutions.

Holiday care at school

At many all-day elementary schools in North Rhine-Westphalia, the sponsors organize a care program, usually lasting three weeks, for part of the summer vacation. Often, offers also take place during the Easter and fall vacations. The childcare has nothing to do with learning in the classical sense. During the vacations, the main focus is on having fun together, playing, experimenting, exploring the surroundings or going on excursions together. If you would like to register your child for the childcare hours, you should inform yourself in good time. Places are usually limited and in demand.

Public vacation programs in the municipality

Many cities in North Rhine-Westphalia offer children active leisure activities during the vacations with reliable half-day or full-day supervision. The low-cost programs invite children to play, romp, discover and explore - under the supervision and guidance of experienced educational professionals. Kids are among their peers, make new friends and experience adventures together. Find out about these programs in good time on your local website or in the press. Again, it pays to be quick. Popular activities are often booked up quickly.

Supervised children's camps and group trips

An alternative, which is sometimes associated with somewhat higher costs, are children's and vacation camps lasting several days or weeks - with or without overnight stays. They are offered by various carriers such as clubs, organizations and tour operators that specialize in children and young people. Whether soccer, tennis, adventure or research camp - the range of supervised offers is large, but also associated with corresponding costs. The participation fee is usually based on the services provided by the organizer.

Employer-sponsored vacation care

Some employers also offer vacation classes or childcare options. Just ask or check your employer's intranet pages for more information.

This field report about two elementary schools in Essen describes how varied school can be during the vacations. You can read the article "Also so goes school" on the Internet portal of the Ministry of Education NRW.

Holidays, public holidays, campaigns and events: the NRW Ministry of Education provides information here about the most important dates in the school year.