Requirements for education and participation

If you meet these requirements, you are entitled to benefits for education and participation.

Text last updated: 2024-02-29

You are entitled to benefits from the education and participation package if you or your child receive one of the following benefits:

  • Citizen's allowance
  • Help towards living expenses
  • Grundsicherung im Alter und bei Erwerbsminderung
  • Wohngeld
  • Kinderzuschlag
  • Asylbewerberleistungen.

In addition, you may be entitled to benefits from the education package under Social Code II or Social Code XII if your child or you as parents do not otherwise receive any of the social benefits mentioned, but are unable to cover the child's specific education and participation needs. In this case, please contact the local job center.

Benefits from the education package are generally paid for children up to the age of 25. However, benefits for participation in cultural, sports and leisure activities (e.g. music school or sports club) are only paid up to the age of 18.


It has been found that many families are not even aware that they are entitled to housing benefit or child supplement. It is therefore worth clarifying this. You can use these benefits to supplement the family income and at the same time give your child access to the benefits of the education and participation package. You can find more information on housing benefit on the website of the Bauministeriums NRW and on the child supplement here on the Familienportal.NRW.

Further information on the education and participation package