Arriving in NRW
A new beginning - support for the whole family
Where can we find an apartment? Where can we find a suitable language course? How do I manage with all the applications? And where will the children find new friends? New arrivals in North Rhine-Westphalia have many questions. Fortunately, there is support available. The municipal integration centers help families with an international family history to find their way around their new home and settle in.

Municipal integration centers facilitate arrival, integration and participation in all areas of life
In North Rhine-Westphalia, there is a municipal integration center in every district and independent city. These facilities are funded by the state of NRW and help families and individuals to find their way in their new home. They bundle integration services and provide targeted support for people with a history of immigration.
The aim is to make it easier for people to get started in NRW and to give everyone the opportunity to participate in social life. To achieve this, the municipal integration centers work closely with various partners - for example with schools, social institutions and authorities. They develop programs, organize offers of help and network important contact points so that integration works well.
However, with all the options available, it is sometimes not so easy to keep track of everything and find the right offer for yourself and your family. This is exactly where the Municipal Integration Management (KIM) comes in. Read the following paragraph to find out how KIM can help you in concrete terms.
Municipal integration management KIM provides support right from the start
NRW offers a wide range of integration services - but which one suits you and your family best? That's where KIM can help! KIM is the abbreviation for Municipal Integration Management. The free advice service offered by the municipal integration centers is aimed at anyone who wants to make a new home in North Rhine-Westphalia. Here you can get answers to all your questions, important information and practical support, for example when filling out applications or going to the authorities.
While the municipal integration centers (KI) provide the structures and services for integration, the municipal integration management (KIM) helps you to actually make use of these services.
You can think of it like this:
- KI build bridges that connect different offers of help.
- KIM shows you the best way to cross these bridges - individually for your family and life situation.
KIM case managers are there to provide personal advice
A particular advantage of KIM is that families have a dedicated contact person who takes time to answer questions in all areas. Your KIM case manager will support you closely and help you to find your way around your community.
Together, you can discuss your individual situation and consider what the next steps are.
You can clarify important questions with your case manager, such as:
- Which daycare center or school is the right one for my child?
- How can I work in Germany?
- Why is the language important and how can I learn it?
- How can I find an apartment?
- What family and cultural activities are there in my city?
- Which doctor can I contact?
- What sports and leisure activities are available in my city for me and my family?
Where can we find help and advice?
A list of municipal integration centers in NRW - sorted alphabetically - can be found on the NRW Ministry of Integration's opportunities portal.
Use the advice search on the KIM.NRW portal to find a KIM contact point near your place of residence online.
The advice is provided regardless of where you come from and what your current residence status is.