Simply on the ears

Podcast recommendations with tips and advice


In the Air Tomorrow - Climate in the Ear, Change in the Mind Podcast of the consumer center NRW


With the energy podcast "In the Air Tomorrow: Climate in the ear, change in the head" the independent experts of the consumer center NRW give energy saving tips for the winter and further impulses to become active for the climate.

To the Podcast: In the Air Tomorrow - Climate in the ear, change in the head

Energy crisis - and now? ARD Audio Library


Every Thursday, this podcast series provides up-to-date info on the energy crisis, background information and tips on how to get through it well. You can find an overview of all episodes published on this topic in the ARD audio library.

To the podcast: Energy crisis - and now?

Save energy Podcast of the consumer center Baden-Württemberg


Scrutinized - Consumer Radio has also released a podcast in which an energy expert explains what consumes the most energy when living and how consumption can be reduced without making it uncomfortable.

Go to the podcast: energy saving