Family education in NRW

Information, courses and parent meetings for every family

Text last updated: 2024-05-02

Family education centers: a strong partner for parents

Are you looking for a baby course within easy reach or would you like to strengthen your parenting skills? Would you like to share experiences with other parents or get support in a parent-child group? With these and many other family topics, you are in the right place at the family education facilities. In North Rhine-Westphalia, you will find a diverse course program with on-site offers and digital formats at around 150 locations. Find out in this article what family education centers offer and how you can benefit from their services in everyday life.


What is a family education center?

A family education center is an educational institution for parents and families. In the courses and parent meetings, very practical aspects and questions about everyday family life and parenting are addressed throughout the various stages of life.

Family education centers are run by the Catholic and Protestant churches, charities and local authorities. All facilities can be found via the on-site search on the website of the North Rhine-Westphalian state working groups for family education.

Family education is also offered by providers of general continuing education such as adult education centers and other adult education institutions. All family education centers are united by the goal of strengthening families in their various phases of life and lifestyles.

Programs and courses offered by family education centers

The recognized and funded family education centres in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia offer a wide range of affordable courses close to home. In family education, everyone works on an equal footing: the course leaders, who address the specific questions and experiences of the participants, and the parents, who appreciate the opportunity to exchange ideas with each other. The offers of the Elternstart NRW program are even free of charge for parents with a child in the first year of life. The courses are tailored to the needs of families and are run by qualified specialists. The courses on offer can vary depending on the provider and location.

The courses and programs include, among others:

  • Baby courses and parent-child courses for pregnancy and birth:
    Joint activities to promote parent-child bonding, for example "Elternstart NRW". This course is an offer for mothers and fathers with a child in the first year of life. More information can be found at the bottom of this page.
  • Parental education and upbringing:
    Seminars, workshops and lectures on topics relating to family life, parenting and child development.
  • Parenthood and everyday family life:
    Events on various lifestyle topics, home economics courses.
  • Couple relationship and partnership:
    Courses for couples, offers for fathers, family meetings, courses on crisis and conflict management.
  • Health promotion:
    Courses to promote exercise, nutritional advice or relaxation techniques.
  • Creative and leisure activities for the whole family:
    Workshops and courses on creative activities, handicrafts, music, cooking or joint leisure activities for parents and children.

Elternstart NRW

Elternstart NRW is a course program for parents with a child in the first 12 months of life that is specially funded by the NRW Ministry of Family Affairs. Participation is free of charge for parents and other guardians.

Your child needs a lot of attention and love in the first few months of life. Family life is often turned upside down. Many parents have questions about how they can respond to their child's needs, how to structure their new everyday life or how to promote early childhood development.

The "Elternstart NRW" program provides answers to these and other questions. The courses are led by trained and experienced specialists who respond individually to the questions and needs of the participating mothers and fathers. Elternstart NRW" enables parents to better understand their baby's language and to accompany their child's healthy development more consciously. Taking part in a course gives you more confidence in your role as a parent and promotes exchange with other parents.

You can register at a family education center near you. You can find the nearest location on the website of Family Education in NRW.

How much does it cost to take part in the courses?

The courses offered by the NRW family education centers are available at reasonable prices. For some courses, such as birth preparation, postnatal recovery or back exercises, the costs are covered in full or in part by health insurance. It is best to ask your health insurance company directly! If you have a low income, you can attend courses at reduced prices under certain conditions. When registering, you can clarify whether you meet the requirements for reduced or free participation.

Where can we find help and advice?

Detailed information for parents about the services offered by family education centers in North Rhine-Westphalia can be found on the internet portal

Under the menu item "Local" on the map, you can search for the right facility in your area or enter your zip code in the area search.

Get to know Family Education NRW better in this video.

Tips Download

You can download the "Elternstart NRW" flyer free of charge.