Pregnant with a disability

Parental assistance and accompanied parenting

Text last updated: 2023-01-12

Parents with disabilities are supported

Many couples want to have children. This is also true for parents with learning difficulties. Or for parents with intellectual disabilities. Accompanied Parenting supports these families. The parents are strengthened. So that the family can live together. And the child is doing well.

Schwanger mit einer Behinderung

The information portal Accompanied Parenthood NRW offers a lot of information. There are many tips for parents with disabilities.

Viele Kommunen in NRW bündeln ihre Angebote und Kontaktadressen rund um die Themen des Familienlebens (Beratungsstellen, Eltern-Kind-Kurse, Freitzeitangebote u. v. m.) auf einem speziellen Internetportal. Den Link zu diesem Service Ihrer Stadt oder Gemeinde finden Sie hier auf unserem Familienportal.NRW:

The flyer "Parents with disabilities" is written in plain language. It provides answers to many questions. For example: What rights and obligations do parents have? What help can we get? Where is the help available?