Second educational path
Catch up on your school-leaving qualifications: These options are open to you.
When girls grow up
Family ties Kirsten Boie
Listen in now: In conversation with bestselling children's book author Kirsten Boie
Family & Partnership
When the children slowly grow into young adults, many things change again in the family. The offspring are now gradually given more freedom, increasingly make their own decisions and confidently discuss parenting issues and agree on rules. As parents, you are responsible for their upbringing until they reach the age of majority on their 18th birthday - based on respect, appreciation, love and the opportunity for age-appropriate co-determination and expression of opinion.These and other rights, such as a non-violent upbringing and the right to protection from economic and sexual exploitation, are specifically granted to children and young people. They are bindingly formulated in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. You can find a summary of the other rights children and young people have and what this means for their upbringing in this article.
Unpaid care work
What you should bear in mind when taking time off for family reasons
Talking to your teenager about contraception
Crises & Conflicts
What family hasn't experienced this? Despite all the family happiness, there are always phases in everyday life that are particularly stressful or challenging. In order to master these situations, it is all the more important for you as parents to find a healthy balance between loving care, education and your own needs. The good news is that if you find yourself overwhelmed by everyday life as a family, there are numerous tips and tricks that can help you cope better with stressful phases. The Familienportal.NRW offers practical advice on how to deal with family stress: baking together, small concerts and collecting moments of happiness help to create a positive and supportive environment for your child. Together with your family, find more serenity and harmonious togetherness!
Crises & Conflicts
At the age of 3-6, your child develops more and more of their personality. They make great strides in their development, but also increasingly test their limits. All families experience conflicts and the odd crisis from time to time. This is nothing unusual.But what can you do when everyday life as a family is really stressful again?The Familienportal.NRW provides helpful advice that can help you deal with stressful phases in the best possible way:Dice games, colorful window pictures and collecting moments of happiness help to create a positive and supportive environment for your child. Overcome stressful phases together, grow as a family and let family happiness return!
Checklist: Financial and Formal
Information around financial aid and government benefits for families and children.
School - and then?
Vocational orientation for school pupils in NRW