Encouraging the spirit of discovery

How to support your child's development

Text last updated: 2024-06-04

Children are curious from an early age

How your child develops is no coincidence. Hereditary predispositions play a role, but so do their biological maturation, their own experiences and the stimuli they receive from their environment. The pace of development is rapid in the first few years of life. Right now, you can support your child's individual development in a variety of ways: with targeted stimulation and opportunities for experience.


In exchange with your child

Even babies are encouraged to imitate their parents' faces and voices. Your child needs to interact with you in order to learn how to express themselves through body language, facial expressions and sounds and how to make a difference. You can support language development right from the start by talking to your child a lot, reading to them, singing with them and motivating them to speak by praising them and asking questions.

No competition!

Lest there be any misunderstanding, this is not about speeding up your child's development. Some parents tend to compare their children and see whether their peers can walk more confidently or speak better. But each child sets their own pace. Only when your child has taken one developmental step can the next one follow. The driving force is always innate curiosity.

Trial makes perfect

Babies already look for explanations for what is happening around them and test them by trying things out. Have you ever noticed how a toddler keeps throwing toys or his pacifier out of the baby carriage? Not only gravity, but also their own abilities are tirelessly tested through trials - for example, pulling themselves up on the bars of the crib using their own strength. If they succeed, the joy is immense. Praising your child wholeheartedly encourages them to take further steps in their development.

Scolding slows down little explorers

Sometimes you have to put the brakes on little explorers' thirst for action. For example, if your child climbs onto a wobbly chair or wants to taste what soil tastes like, you must of course intervene. However, you should not scold them! Distract your child and give them a different sense of achievement: instead of the chair, offer them a small, stable stool to climb on or show them how to fill soil into a flower pot.

Observe instead of control

It is important that your child can choose for themselves what they want to do. What they are interested in depends on their interest, stage of development and the skills they have already acquired. Instead of putting a specific toy in front of your child, you should observe and wait to see which toy or everyday object they reach for on their own and what they do with it. If your child is concentrating on this object, then it corresponds to their current interest. Give them the freedom to try out the object, even if it may have a different purpose.

The most important tips in brief

  • Interaction
    Talk to your child a lot from an early age and respond to what he or she wants to say to you with facial expressions, gestures and sounds.
  • Praise and recognition
    Give your child stimuli according to their interests and stage of development. Attempts to teach your child something independently of this often fail. Praise your child when they have discovered or learned something on their own and be happy with them.
  • Variety
    Give your child different opportunities to try things out and discover their environment.
  • Independence
    Allow your child to dress or undress themselves or spoon up their own porridge - even if something goes wrong or it takes longer.
  • Occasional support
    Support them with help if necessary and encourage them if something doesn't work out.
  • Contact with other children
    Children learn from each other: Create lots of opportunities to bring your child together with other children - for example in the playground or in the toddler group.

Where can we find help and support?

Do you have the impression that your child is not developing in line with their age, is not staying on task or is behaving unusually? Then you should talk to your pediatrician. Early detection examinations at the doctor's surgery are a good opportunity to see how your child is progressing. Be sure to take advantage of this offer regularly!

Information and guidelines on various stages of child development can be found on the portal kindergesundheit-info.de of the Federal Center for Health Education BzGA.

Find out more about the desire to discover and the urge to move in toddlers aged between 1 and 3 years in the chapter on Playing in toddlerhood.

Many local authorities in NRW bundle their services and contact addresses relating to family life (advice centers, parent-child courses, leisure activities and much more) on a special Internet portal. You can find the link to this service for your town or municipality here on our Familienportal.NRW: