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Family & Partnership

Parents of young children face many challenges. The increased responsibility for their offspring, frequent lack of sleep, less individual freedom and the changed distribution of roles all affect the partnership. Living together as a family has to be constantly reorganized and negotiated.

"You go and watch soccer with friends while I have to clean the kitchen.", "I have to work overtime at the office in the evenings and you have a great time with our child." Perhaps similar accusations sound familiar to you? If dissatisfaction and frustration creep in, it's important to take a closer look at the changed roles and take stock.

Even if one parent works full-time and the other mainly takes care of the child at home, this does not mean that parenting and household chores are left to one person. Especially for parents of small children, the day does not end after 8 hours. Intensive care begins early in the morning and can continue into the night. Therefore, make your tasks visible and record them in writing - regardless of whether they relate to family, household or work. This inventory forms a good basis for negotiation processes and fair solutions for all parties.

Tips for implementation and helpful advice on how couples can master the transition to successful parenthood and a happy family life can be found here.

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