Coping with stalking

Appearances, consequences and tips on how to deal with stalking

Text last updated: 2024-08-13

Coping with stalking

Those who are harassed, stalked, harassed or terrorized persistently, several times in their daily lives and over a long period of time, are victims of stalking. People of all ages are affected, including young people. The consequences for those affected are terrible. What you can do if your child is a victim of stalking, read about it here.

Umgang mit Stalking

What is stalking?

The English term "stalking" means "to approach someone" and originally described game hunting in the language of hunters. Today we understand it as following a person against their will. Mostly it is boys or men who engage in stalking out of offended vanity or revenge. This often happens in connection with unrequited love or a broken love affair. Reasons include the exercise of power and an excessive need for recognition on the part of the perpetrator.

How to recognize stalking?

Stalking can take many forms. Typical characteristics are:

  • Wanted phone calls, even at night
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  • Threatening voicemail messages, text messages, e-mails or letters
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  • Spying, stalking and monitoring the victim
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  • Insults, insults and threats
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  • Damage to reputation
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  • Notices on the car, front door or window
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  • Sending gifts as a "token of love"
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  • Property damage
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  • Home invasion
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  • Sometimes physical violence

The beginnings of stalking often seem quite harmless and are not immediately recognized as such. If the stalker is unsuccessful, the stalking takes on increasingly threatening forms over time.

What are the consequences of stalking?

Stalking victims suffer permanent attacks the longer they are followed. This is manifested by several symptoms. Victims feel helpless, become increasingly anxious, cannot sleep at night, are nervous, irritable and unfocused, or suffer from panic attacks. They may no longer have the courage to leave the apartment. Persistent psychosomatic disorders can even lead to depression.

How does stalking occur among young people?

In adolescence, stalking is not only manifested in the form of following the (ex-)girlfriend or boyfriend. It can also be related to revenge and retaliation for rejection suffered or perceived unfair treatment.

What can you do if your child is a victim of stalking?

First of all: take your son and the threat seriously. Question the concerns and fears. Explain to your son that he should not feel guilty. Responsibility lies only with the perpetrator. Under no circumstances should he be afraid to seek professional help.

These countermeasures are recommended by the police:

  • Tell the stalker in no uncertain terms that he/she must stop his/her behavior immediately
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  • Don't respond to messages, emails, calls, etc.
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  • Inform confidants, friends, neighbors, possibly teachers.
  • Gather evidence and document all threats.
  • Request a new phone number and email address. Block the perpetrator on all channels.
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  • Request medical or therapeutic counseling if you have health symptoms.
  • Involve the police and file a report.

Stalking is a criminal offense. Anyone who is being followed, harassed, threatened or terrorized by a stalker can report it as a criminal offense at any police station. Often the harassment stops after the report is made.

Police Crime Prevention of Laender and Federation provides detailed online information on rights and claims as well as help and support services in case of stalking


On the NRW Victim Protection Portal, stalking victims and family members can find victim information and counseling services


In case of an emergency, he can reach the police, fire brigade and ambulance service quickly and easily throughout Germany with nora's emergency call app.