Young people and addiction

Get out of addiction

Text last updated: 2024-04-16

Protecting young people from addiction

Alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and other drugs - during puberty, young people often have their first experience with various addictive substances. Parents are rightly often worried about the consequences.


The topic should not be taboo in the family, but should be addressed openly and honestly. Education about the health risks is among the effective measures of prevention. Learn here where you can get information and find advice and support services.


What are the addictions?

Addiction dangers emanate from addictive substances such as tobacco, alcohol, medications or drugs such as cannabis. Recent study results(1), published for World Drug Day on 26.6.2022 by the Federal Center for Health Education, show that the figures for alcohol and tobacco consumption are declining, but the cannabis use of young people is increasing alarmingly.


But there are also addictive behaviors, expressed through excessive eating or starving, through gambling, shopping or media addiction. One speaks of addiction when the person concerned, for example, starves compulsively, regularly drinks himself into a frenzy, can no longer stop gambling or uncontrollably buys things that are not needed and used.


1*) The study report is available for download at:

Does the risk of addiction increase when children become young adults?

At the age of 16 to 18, young people increasingly want to go their own way. Many test limits and growing freedoms and rebel against parents. The influence of friends becomes greater. In the clique, at parties and festivals tobacco, alcohol, cannabis or party drugs come into play at some point. Completely avoid this trying out you will not be able to.


It becomes problematic when the addictive substances become permanent "escape helpers", because conflicts and problems no longer seem solvable erwithout addictive substances. However, you can actively support your child to clearly recognize the risks of addictive substances and to deal with them responsibly.

Where can we find help and advice?

If your child tries out his or her limits on the way to adulthood, this is normal and not immediately a cause for concern. Often it remains with a temporary phase. However, if serious problems develop from the beginnings, you will find counseling services here:


Addiction help directory


If you are concerned about your child's well-being, they can contact a local substance abuse counseling center about addiction and drug problems. You can find counseling centers near you via the Addiction Help Directory of the Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen e.V.


Infotelefon zur Suchtvorbeugung


This is a telephone information service of the Federal Centre for Health Education BZgA on addiction prevention issues.


Phone 0221 892031
. (available Monday to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., Friday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Addiction & Drugs Hotline


Under this number you can reach telephone drug emergency facilities, which have joined forces on the initiative of the Federal Centre for Health Education BZgA and offer advice for those affected and relatives.


Phone 01806 313031 (available around the clock)


Non-smoking counseling phone for adolescents and adults


This is a telephone information service of the Federal Center for Health Education BZgA on the subject of (non) smoking and smoking cessation.
Telephone 0800 8 31 31 31 (available Monday to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., Friday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.)

For more information and answers to addiction and drug questions, visit


The online campaign is aimed at young people from 16 years and encourages a critical approach to alcohol consumption.

Infos to the topic alcohol for young people and young adults offers the portal


Information for young people on the subject of smoking is available at


The BZgA informs young people and parents about the risks of cannabis use on


Information on the prevention program cannabis in NRW can be found by interested parties at


Cannabis users who are looking for help supported by a professional counseling team to stop smoking pot can find a free and anonymous information and counseling service at is a low-threshold Internet project that offers anonymous information and counseling services to young drug users.


The BZgA youth portal is dedicated to the topic "Internet and computer game addiction".

The help portal informs specifically about the potential danger of gambling.

Das Gesundheitsportal „” richtet sich direkt an Jugendliche und bietet viele Infos und Tipps zu den Themen „Sucht und Abhängigkeit”.