Primary school forms in NRW
Enroll your child in elementary school: This is how it works!
In North Rhine-Westphalia, parents can choose at which elementary school they want to enroll their child. The prerequisite is that the city or municipality has not defined any school catchment areas. However, each child is only entitled to be admitted to the elementary school closest to his or her home in his or her city or municipality, within the limits of the admission capacity. If the admission capacity permits, children who live further away from the school can also be admitted.
Registration for elementary school does not automatically mean that a child is admitted. The school management decides on the actual admission to the school after the registration process has been completed. If the school cannot accept all registered children, a selection process takes place. Criteria for the selection are, for example, whether there are siblings at the school or how far it is to the school.

How do the school concepts differ?
Where can we find help and advice?
The NRW Ministry of Education provides detailed descriptions of all types of schools offered in North Rhine-Westphalia on this website.