
You can deduct these special expenses from your taxes


Text last updated: 2024-02-02

School tuition tax deductible

In Germany, attendance at public schools is generally free of charge. It is different when parents choose a private or predominantly privately financed school. Private schools generally charge tuition. Parents can claim part of the costs as special expenses against tax.


Where can we find help and advice?

  • You can find important information about your tax return and your tax office online at For many tax topics, there are explanatory films with Fin. You can get to the explanatory film "Tax Tips for Parents" with one click. The tax office provides official information in response to simple questions about income tax matters, but it is not allowed to provide tax advice or give advice over the phone. You can make inquiries in writing or by e-mail. Free assistance is also available via the tax office program ELSTER, which helps you fill out your tax return digitally.
  • A tax consultation with a tax advisor or tax consultant is subject to a fee.
  • Wage tax assistance associations are a self-help organization for employees who assist in the preparation of tax returns. To cover the costs, a membership fee is charged. You can find a counseling center near you via the online counseling center search of the Lohnsteuerberatungsverbund e.V.

Information on the topic "Schulgeld von der Steuer absetzen" can be found, among other places, on the website of the Lohnsteuerhilfevereins.

Information on the topic of "Tax relief for families" can be found here on the family portal.