Tax benefits for families

Child tax allowance and further tax relief for families

Text last updated: 2024-07-24

Parents benefit from these tax advantages

Children cost a lot of money until they grow up. To ease the financial burden on parents, there are various tax breaks for families. These include child-related allowances such as the child allowance and allowances for childcare, education or training needs, for example. You can find out which tax benefits you can claim when you submit a tax return in this section.


Which is better: child benefit or the tax allowance for children?

All parents of biological and adopted children are entitled to child benefit from the birth of the child. You can also find out how to apply for child benefit here on the family portal. Child benefit is paid out every month.

If you have a high household income, you often benefit more from child-related allowances such as the child allowance and the care, education and training allowance.

You don't need to worry about when the child allowance is more favorable for you. When you fill in the "Child annex" on your tax return, the tax office automatically checks which option - child benefit or tax-free allowance - is more tax-efficient for you. The child allowance is automatically calculated by the tax authorities and then taken into account retrospectively as part of the annual income tax adjustment.

To ensure that the tax-free allowance for children has an immediate tax-reducing effect, you can register the tax-free allowance for children with the tax office immediately after the birth of your child. The tax allowance for children is recorded by the tax office and sent to the employer. The employer then takes this allowance into account when paying wages and salaries, based on the information provided by the tax office. It is not necessary to apply directly to the employer for a wage tax reduction.

How high are the allowances for children?


Frequently asked questions about tax relief for families

Where can we find help and advice?

You can find detailed tax information for private individuals and especially for families and children on the Internet portal of the Finanzverwaltung für Nordrhein-Westfalen


Further information, answers to frequently asked questions and helpful tips on the subject of tax relief can be found on the federal government's family portal.

The brochure "Tax tips for all citizens" from the NRW tax authorities provides all the information you need for your income tax return.