Good practice: compatibility at the Busse care service
"Reconciling care and work is becoming increasingly important," says Julia Droste from the Angelika Busse care service in Porta Westfalica. Its 80 employees not only have to deal with the issue of care at work, but also look after their relatives in need of care privately if necessary.

In the rural district of Minden-Lübbecke, the employees of the Busse nursing service care for around 250 patients every day. For the employees of the outpatient care service, who also care for their own families, the work continues after work - a physical and mental double burden that can become too great.
In our ageing society, the topic is becoming increasingly explosive: more and more elderly people need care and support - and 75 percent of this is provided at home. "Our entire care system is based on this," emphasizes Julia Droste. The management assistant makes it clear that for this reason alone, it is necessary to ensure a good work-life balance. It is precisely this task that she takes on as a work-life balance coach and, in this role, supports all employees with childcare and care needs.
Understanding and flexibility
The company needs to show understanding for the situation: "When an employee needs care at home, it's difficult for them to take the first step. It's a real sticking point," says Julia Droste, describing the communication challenge. That's why it's important to create a basis of trust within the company that allays employees' fears and offers support. "We take the issue of care just as seriously as the issue of childcare," emphasizes Droste. "In our company, we keep a close eye on our employees. We notice when someone is particularly stressed." The extremely flexible working hours, which can be adapted to the employee's respective life situation, are a practical help in these cases. "Carers can, for example, only work from six to nine o'clock if necessary or only work the late shift," explains Droste, adding: "Of course, this has to be coordinated with the company's framework conditions, but with a little goodwill, we can always manage it."
Training and networking
As a work-life balance coach, Julia Droste pays particular attention to ensuring that employees also do something for themselves and their health - otherwise their own needs often fall by the wayside. Droste was able to familiarize herself with the topic of care in greater depth as part of the "Care Guide" training course offered by the Minden-Lübbecke district for all local companies. Care guides are contact persons in the company to whom employees with care responsibilities can turn. They know about ways to relieve the burden and the local help available. Julia Droste is pleased that she was able to build a network with the other participants in the training course that reflects the care landscape and in which an exchange of short distances is possible.
Living corporate culture
Based on her experience, Julia Droste advises all companies to establish and openly communicate the offers for better reconciliation of care and work as a practiced corporate culture. Reconciling care and work is a Herculean task that needs to be solved as part of a life-phase-oriented HR policy. Julia Droste is certain: "Care must not be taboo in the company."
The interview with Ms. Droste was conducted in 2022.
Where can we find help and advice?
If you want to relieve the burden on caring employees and at the same time secure them as skilled workers, the state program "Reconciling work and care" offers you the right help. On the online portal, you will find guides, up-to-date information and the opportunity to contact the service center personally: