Good practice: compatibility through job sharing

Alanya Faatz and Janine Röser report in the video on how it works when two people share a job

Text last updated: 2024-02-19

Job sharing: two people sharing a job

Evonik Industries AG from Essen offers its employees the opportunity to share a job. As part of the job-sharing scheme, employees Alanya Faatz and Janine Röser share a position in HR management. This makes it easy to combine family and career - and the employer also benefits from the model.

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Split full-time

Alanya Faatz and Janine Röser have shared a position in HR management since the start of 2021. Both wanted to return from parental leave at the same time and both wanted to reduce their full-time position to part-time. Together with their department head Kai Grefling, they developed a tandem system that allows them to divide the tasks of the position effectively. For Essen-based Evonik Industries AG, this is a successful model for offering employees more flexibility in balancing work and family life.

More flexibility and efficiency

For Alanya Faatz, this is her second return to work after parental leave. She sees the main advantages of working closely with Janine Röser as being able to cover for each other. In the event of vacation, illness or spontaneous absences, there is always someone who knows about to-do's and the current status of projects. This is not only helpful for the two colleagues, but also for the entire team.

Job sharing is an integral part of everyday life at Evonik. Employees can find a suitable job-sharing partnership via the "Pairfect" program. The exact nature of the day-to-day work in tandem can then be individually tailored to best suit both employees and their colleagues.

Where can we find help and advice?

For employees who want to find out about job-sharing options or seek advice, the first port of call is the company's HR department or works council. Trade unions also often offer advice and information on working arrangements. Professional online networks such as LinkedIn and job-related groups on social media can help to make contacts, share experiences and possibly find job-sharing partners.

The Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs calculates the gain in free time through job sharing in various examples: