Good practice: compatibility at Wildling Shoes

Entrepreneur Anna Yona and employee Scarlett Faißt explain in the video how working without a fixed workplace works for an entire company

Text last updated: 2024-02-19

"The work culture is changing"

Wildling Shoes GmbH does not have a traditional office with standardized desks, meeting rooms and a coffee kitchen. All employees complete their tasks on the move - so they decide for themselves where and, in some cases, when they work. Managing Director Anna Yona and her employee Scarlett Faißt explain how flexible collaboration works in the video.

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Many companies are familiar with terms such as home office, mobile working and flexible working hours. But not all of them (yet) dare to implement them. Wildling Shoes GmbH is quite different. Here, flexibility is important and employees are given a lot of trust in the way they carry out their work.

We have summarized the most important guidelines of Wildling Shoes, which ensure a successful and harmonious cooperation, for you here:

  • 1. a common framework
    Wildling is not entirely without rules. Managing Director Anna Yona prefers to speak of a common framework that is set for everyone equally. Within this framework, all employees work towards a common goal and follow clear values. This cross-company understanding ensures shared motivation, even if they don't work in the same place.
  • 2. clear agreements
    Availability and reliable communication are another important prerequisite for good teamwork. If a colleague has to leave early, for example to pick up a child from daycare, this is shared with the team in advance so that it is always clear who is available when. The start and end of working hours are made visible through digital status messages. There are also daily meetings and exchange formats at Wildling. Instead of an office or conference room, the company uses digital meeting rooms and video calls to work together. This maintains the team spirit.
  • 3. openness to new approaches
    "The work culture and also the expectations of employees are changing and I believe that it is very important to adapt to this," says Anna Yona, describing her openness to all the components that the topic of "New Work" entails. Her aim is to ensure that work does not determine life, but can be integrated into life - more flexibility creates greater compatibility.
  • 4. regular meetings "in real life"
    The entire Wildling team meets in person every six weeks to get to know each other and develop a cross-divisional understanding of the work.

Where can I find help and advice

Are you also looking for more flexibility in the way you organize your work? Whether it's working from home or more flexible working hours, the first step towards more change is often an open discussion with your employer to weigh up the options for more flexibility.

The company network "Erfolgsfaktor Familie" offers you the opportunity to exchange ideas with other companies and experts. Membership is free of charge and offers a wealth of practical information and support for implementation in your company.

What is working from home and what is mobile working? We have the explanation for you:

If you are interested in the topic of "New Work", read more about it here: